KateLM wrote:Nearly 200 died drowning, children as well as adults suffocated in a lorry. God Almighty " its route of death said one man and his child who thankfully arrived safely."
I'm totally with you there Kate. If you make that kind of commitment to the children, then you make the commitment for life. That is absolutely unforgivable.
As for those flooding over the border? They constitute Afghans too. So we're going to take them and let them live in the UK but we're going to send the children back??
Talking about these routes of death and dragging children through this kind of danger. Most of these people have passed by safe havens. They have spend a LOT of money to get there. They are bypassing safety on the basis that they can make more money in the EU. They don't want safety, they want comfort and the riches.
Sorry but I decline. The UN and the EU talk as if we not only encouraged these illegals but even paid them to come. As if it's our responsibility to take anyone who breaks the law, bypasses safety and goes for broke trying to get as much out of the EU as possible.
Honestly and it's been said here before, if you won't fight for your country then go live in a camp because we don't want you. Their country is being torn apart and they run away? Clearly they don't think their life is their own responsibility. They think that they can leave their responsibilities behind and make us responsible for them.
Again I decline.
Dead women and children? I blame the men who led them there. I don't blame us at all. I have nothing but contempt for someone who would drag their wife and/or child through that just for an economic start instead of shelter and having to, perhaps, wait a few years before starting again.
Not impressed and people need to start thinking the same way. Otherwise they'll just bring the slum and the war to us. As I won't run away my preference is to not have the war in the first place...