TheOstrich wrote:Suff is right to point out that if we renationalise DB, RWE and the other Government-led EU utilities, we will be in a direct confrontation with France and Germany. But my gut feeling is that British companies have been prevented from taking large stakes in EU infrastructure - Germany in particular has been very loathe to privatise their rail network, despite EU promoting competition - correct, Suff?
Absolutely correct. When Vodafone bought Mannesmann, the Germans came out in the street and demonstrated because it was "unthinkable" that a UK company could buy a "German" institution. Yes it went ahead but at such punitive government restrictions that Vodafone never got out of it what it should and neither did Germany. Because, today, Germany remains one of the most expensive mobile phone markets in the EU.
But this is the debate I want to have. Not "oh we're going to nationalise it and stuff the frogs and the krauts". The debate I want is this.
If we want to stay in the EU, we need to re-balance our businesses and utilities so that the state can sponsor the take-overs of other EU institutions. Just as France and Germany are. Not some brain dead 1950's left wing "stuff the rich" thing like Corbyn is proposing. There is a balance out there which allows the state to benefit the companies and allows the state to control the flow of money by first of all investing in the companies. That's why EU utilities don't have such huge executive pays. Because they are controlled by the government, not through regulation but by shares and representation on the board.
If we don't want to change the way we work, then it's time to get the hell out of the EU. Because if we don't get out and we don't change then we will be swallowed whole.
Some real debate would be good. Instead of this insipid talking around non, or even minor, issues.
Take the utilities as a case in point. Why are they so expensive? Because the UK is a revenue centre, not a cost centre. Because of heavy regulation at home, French and German utilities find it hard to make a decent profit. So they squeeze the unregulated periphery. Low investment, high payback.
Why can't we talk about that. Why can't we talk about mirror regulation? French company owns UK utility, then UK rules on investment, profit and services have to match French rules.
Fair's fair right?
Instead we talk about being the "Big Bad Wolf" of re nationalisation at huge expense. For what? We'll still have to put back in what these French and German utilities did not invest over the last decade.
Now if Corbyn wants to talk about regulating these utilities to the point where the French and Germans actually "Give" the utilities back to our government, then you're talking. That's EU politics. That's the smart way to do things.
Corbyn may sound "clever" but he's just another Labour idiot going to get us into another Labour mess. Because he really doesn't understand what he's dealing with. Worse, he thinks it' doesn't matter if he understands or not.
Did I make clear my issues with people like Corbyn?