Thanks again
Ton yes, it's a human drug and colitis was on the list, it's also used in chemotherapy.
Debih thank you. It sounds like a really good idea for Millie, not so much at the moment for Minnie...she literally hasn't the energy to get stuff out of her kong
But an idea to keep in mind.
We've got her to eat, the tiny bit of turkey was used mostly for putting the pills in, the rest added to a little bit of fish and rice. But she only ate the turkey off it, so then I grated 'one grate' of cheese onto it, and she finally ate. The vet said not to give her eg cheese/anything fatty when we were discussing how to give her the pills but one grate got her to eat. These are the steroids so we're allowed to touch those.
The yoghurt I had in the fridge was Greek, not ideal, but she liked it. Bb got what I asked, normal plain yoghurt, and she doesn't like it
I'm still holding out hope for the chicken
She is, I hardly dare say, just a little bit more alert/interested than last night. It's a very tiny difference tbh, but has give us a little bit of hope.