Croatia next, then......

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Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Suff » 16 Sep 2015, 19:44

No WM you are not alone. I too think that the people in Serbia will need camps just to survive. But I believe that they won't turn back and will come in ever larger numbers. There are 4m Syrians in other countries right now and there are another 7-8m displaced right now.

If we create the camps now they will just fill up. If we have the camps hundreds of thousands more will try to get there and tens of thousands more will die in the attempt.

If we send them back to Greece and then to Turkey, we will, potentially, save more lives than those who would have been lost if we provided no aid in Serbia and Croatia at all.

That is my problem. Not Christian Charity but Blind Moslem faith that they can get from the Christians everything they want if they just push hard enough.

In this case, to me, it is "spare the rod". I want to save lives. I really do. But in order to do that we need to re-educate people and the kind of people doing what they are doing are not interested in anything we have to say. Only in what we DO.

Honestly I could weep for the children. But that heartbreaking feeling at the loss of the children is far more than offset by my burning anger at the parents who put them in that position.
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Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Workingman » 16 Sep 2015, 20:31

I do blame the migrants and the smugglers, but not totally. A huge part of the blame lies fairly and squarely on the shoulders of the EU's politicians for not securing its external borders years and years ago. This year's influx is a direct consequence of that failure, but it could be solved tomorrow. The International laws to do so are already in place.

If Junker made a statement to the effect that anyone attempting to get in, by whatever means, without the correct permissions and papers would be turned straight back the flood would stop or reduce to a trickle. Well it would if it was acted upon.

If we then opened camps to process those already here we could pick who was allowed to stay and send those without good cause back from whence they came we would be doing good things.

I just cannot bear the thought of people dying of cold and hunger even though they have done wrong. We have to find some way to help.
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Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Kaz » 16 Sep 2015, 20:43

Workingman wrote:If we then opened camps to process those already here we could pick who was allowed to stay and send those without good cause back from whence they came we would be doing good things.

I just cannot bear the thought of people dying of cold and hunger even though they have done wrong. We have to find some way to help.

Yes, we do
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Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Aggers » 16 Sep 2015, 21:48

I quite agree.

Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby victor » 16 Sep 2015, 22:27

Agree 100%with Suff on this.

Majority of these are Muslim ,so why ain,their "brothers" in the Arab countries taking them ?
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Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Workingman » 16 Sep 2015, 23:07

I am not disagreeing with Suff either, but I saw the news earlier and have just watched the press report on Sky and heard the comments made about the scenes from the Hungry/Serbian border. It was all shock horror, look at these poor people, it is disgusting using water cannon and tear gas, we must do something.

All the touchy-feely stuff got me so angry I had to turn it off, as I suspect many more people did.

That will all change if the pictures are of people dying or dead from hunger and the cold. Just think how things changed for many people with the picture of one little boy washed up on a beach.
Last edited by Workingman on 17 Sep 2015, 10:32, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Rodo » 17 Sep 2015, 07:15

Things did change, as you say, when people saw that picture of the little boy dead on the beach. That is until they learned later on that his father had actually been one of the trafficers.

Things are not as straightforward or as simple as they seem. The news that militant muslims are sneaking in disguised as migrants is very very worrying indeed.

How do you take over a country? You sneak in and take it over by stealth. This country already has had its major cities "taken over" by Muslim communities, many of whom are good citizens or who purport to be so. But are they all good citizens or are they sleepers? It is easy to let one's mind run away with possibilities of what could happen. It would all be so easy too.

I heard on the TV the other day that the Maldives has already become a terrorist dominated area and tourists are being warned about it. The women in the Maldives are apparently all starting to wear long robes and headscarves. Does that all sound familiar to you?

After the War the girls and women in Baghdad were all wearing western type clothes and there was a strong American influence in their lifestyles. I know this because my eldest brother married a girl from Baghdad. How and why did this all change so that the women all began to wear long black tents?

We need to be afraid - we need to be very afraid.

Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Osc » 17 Sep 2015, 08:07

I am with Suff and Rodo on this. To my mind one of the worst things to happen in mainland Europe was the Schengen agreement, I never saw the point of open borders. What strikes me about all the photos is the huge numbers of young men, I find that frightening and like others, feel that Europe is being steadily infiltrated by those who will try to impose Islam by whatever means they can. I heard on the radio this morning that there is a thriving market in false documents and even fake university degrees - if you were planning to flee from your wartorn country, wouldn't you make sure you had all your documentation with you?

I'd really love to give Angela Merkel a good slap because the events of the last few days are entirely her fault. The world was hoodwinked by that photo of the little boy carefully arranged on the beach, and she fell for it hook, line and sinker.
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Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Aggers » 17 Sep 2015, 09:54

Rodo wrote:
We need to be afraid - we need to be very afraid.

I am. Rodo. I'd be even more concerned and afraid if I were a young person.

I can foresee what is likely to happen, and In my opinion, the consequences
are likely to be much worse and more terrifying than if we had lost WW2.

When will our leaders wake up to the reality of the dangers that now face us?

Re: Croatia next, then......

Postby Workingman » 17 Sep 2015, 10:32

This thread was never intended to be about the pros and cons of EU policies or the pros and cons of the activities of the illegal imigrants, we have enough of those already.

I was trying to point out that with autumn and winter coming on we could be on the brink of another human tragedy. There could be ~100k people living out in the open in the Balkans. Last night temperatures in parts of the UK dropped as low as 2ºC. Anyone caught out for any length of time without decent clothing and shelter would have been at risk of hypothermia. It wil not be long before nighttime temperatures in the Balkans drop below freezing and those out in the open are certainly not dressed to survive - look at the pictures.

I honestly do not want to see Alex Crawford (Sky) or Lyse Doucet (BBC) informing us that in this barn X people, men, women and children were found dead from the cold. No thanks
Last edited by Workingman on 17 Sep 2015, 11:09, edited 1 time in total.
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