Start off as you intend to finish

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Start off as you intend to finish

Postby Suff » 25 Sep 2015, 23:15

Is the way that they say you should approach walking up a mountain.

Corbyn may be doing just that. However it just goes to show that he is a political naiif....

Simply put, if his position were to be taken up by the main stream, then both the UK and the US waged an illegal war in Afghanistan and Iraq. We would be liable to sanctions and punitive measures from the UN, the EU, Russia, China and any nation with an axe to grind.

Whilst I more than agree with Corbyn, (I don't just believe it was manipulated, I believe it was orchestrated and carried out by the US intelligence services), the time for that revelation is long, long past. Trying to bring it up now only leads Corbyn into a position where his enemies will destroy him. They can do nothing else.

This is not the leadership that we need from Labour if they are going to form the key and crucial opposition to the Tories over the next decade. Corbyn is playing to pressure groups. This is something that the UKIP can do, the Greens can do and, to an extent, the Lib Dems can do. It is not something that Labour can do. They must play to the mainstream and the mainstream are not going to take this well.
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby Workingman » 27 Sep 2015, 08:41

There must be some twitchy bums in Conservative Central Office if its mouthpiece, the Telegraph, is dragging up things he said from 1991 and 2003, as the article states.

And if I remember correctly there were a lot of people on the left, right and centre who thought much the same things at the time.
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby cromwell » 27 Sep 2015, 09:29

Corbyn's biggest problem is going to be his own party. If they don't backstab him before the next election I will be amazed.

There are a lot of big egos in the Labour party that have been bruised by Corbyn's victory and I don't expect them to sit meekly on the backbenches, doing nothing. They will be out to get him, the only question is when.
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby Suff » 27 Sep 2015, 16:25

Thought, of course, is not said.

I read what Farage said about Corbyn as a leader. I think he's right. Labour has not even begun to examine why they failed so miserably at the last election when the coalition was so unpopular. In fact all elements of the press had been hammering Cameron and Osborne for years and trying to make the entire electorate unhappy with them.

What the Torygraph thought it was doing attacking Cameron constantly over the 5 years of the coalition I have no idea at all. If it were not for the total incompetence of Miliband allied to the lurch to the left of Labour and the SNP literally handing it to the Tories on a plate, it could quite easily have gone the other way and the Telegraph would have had nobody to blame but themselves.

The Labour Party has not even begun to recognise what it now represents to the people. It represents (or represented), the centre ground of politics. No longer left, no longer anti business, no longer the mouthpiece of the unions. When Miliband started dragging the party back to the left, the people who had drifted to them as an alternative to the harder side of the Tory Party left in droves.

With Corbyn at the helm they will leave in floods. He will be left with the hard core left voters and those who are strongly left of centre. The remainder, the middle ground voter, looking for an alternative to the Tories, is going to go elsewhere. The Lib Dems have poisoned themselves far too effectively to appeal to those voters at the next election. Who else? The Greens?

It's going to be a very interesting time in the next 4.5 years as Labour struggles to "re-purpose" itself around it's new leader. Those who understand that they hold their seats by the grace of middle ground voters are going to have their knives out for Corbyn. Corbyn does not represent their views or the views of their voters. Naturally these MP's are not going to stand with Corbyn. Not only that but sheer political survival says that they must get rid of him.
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby Workingman » 27 Sep 2015, 19:11

I do not get those on the right with this Corbyn thing.

According to them he is an old school Commie: unelectable; incompetent; never had a job; he will lose Labour elections for years to come. He is out of touch with his own MPS and with the wider electorate and his policies, Corbynomics, are unworkable. Under him Labour will split, or fold, or something - rejoice.

He is the right's wet dream to put them in power for a hundred years, so why is so much effort being expended to destroy him when he, apparently, is doing the job all on his own?

As a neutral in this it will be interesting to see if the general public get 'attack fatigue' and make their own minds up.
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby TheOstrich » 27 Sep 2015, 22:24

Workingman wrote:He is the right's wet dream to put them in power for a hundred years, so why is so much effort being expended to destroy him when he, apparently, is doing the job all on his own?

Because the right inherently doesn't trust the general public to make the "sensible" solution by itself, do you think? Which speaks volumes as to how the right actually sees us ....
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby Workingman » 28 Sep 2015, 20:40

I am not sure, Ossie, but I do remember that in the immediate aftermath of Corbyn's win I mentioned a media commentator's warning about the media and the political elite constantly attacking the man.

We Brits instinctively love an underdog and if we see one being (unfairly) attacked we tend to side with them. ;) :P
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby Suff » 28 Sep 2015, 20:51

When he starts talking about 60% taxes the press will pretty soon remind us about 1979, the taxes in force at the time and the very valid reasons we booted them out of power for 19 years.....

In some ways I'm actually hoping he will get into power. Far more people now have investments, property and are interested in where their money grows; than in the 1970's. It is a very different UK and when he starts to trash everything that has been saved and built, he will get short shrift from the broad spectrum of the UK voters.

Hopefully this will, once and for all, put all this idiocy to bed. Then we can work out how to provide a social environment for the UK which works without the hype. Not that I'm betting on it. Corbyn will bury himself long before the Tories get a chance.
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby Workingman » 28 Sep 2015, 21:48

So why spend so much time and effort to destroy him before he does what you want?

What do you have to be afraid of?

If he is going to trash everything and get short shrift from UK voters, then loosen the reins and let him have his head. No?
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Re: Start off as you intend to finish

Postby Suff » 29 Sep 2015, 10:11

Not me, the press. They have stopped reporting the news with comments and analysis and have become control freaks who have to tell us what to do and what to think.

A bit like the Party they dislike so much. ...
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