The Party is over

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The Party is over

Postby Suff » 08 Oct 2015, 16:46

And now Germany is living with the hangover.

In some ways I believe Merkel did what she did with immigrants to try and shame the rest of the EU and, especially, Hungary and the UK. This shame should have brought her power and control.

Now she is living with the aftermath and that aftermath is going to grow and grow and grow. Britain, on the other hand, is benefitting from the German open doors policy. Less people now believe that they need to go to the UK first. Then again, perhaps many of them think that being in the EU will open the doors of the UK to them. Reality on that will bite and pressure will, again, fall on the UK.

Germany is slowly waking up to the reality of those they have opened the doors to. Tentative indications show that they will reach 1.5m some time in next year. Probably more than 2m by the end.

At some point, someone is going to call a halt. Then the clashes will really happen because those who have paid to get to Germany and those who are making a small fortune out of getting them there, will neither stop nor accept peacefully any decision of this kind from Germany.

In short, these people had safety, they are gambling on much, much more.
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Re: The Party is over

Postby manxie » 08 Oct 2015, 17:11

I have been waiting and watching this.

I guess soon all or many of the other EU countries will collectively stand up and say no more freedom to travel and work in the EU as it stands and will introduce a more permanant "people" control.

Trade and transport of goods will still pass through ok, and people travelling on holidays etc would not be affected if in possession of a return ticket/date.

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Re: The Party is over

Postby TheOstrich » 08 Oct 2015, 18:31

I guess one of the main keys to this is how long it takes you to become a German citizen and thus gain an EU passport. Does anyone know?

IIRC, some Eastern European countries were accused a few years back of handing out EU passports for cash "under the table" .....

The UK will need to either reserve the right at points of entry not to admit EU citizens born outside the EU, or introduce visas for EU citizens full-stop.

One difficulty though is going to be the Eire / N. Ireland border ...... that's going to be a kettle of fish to sort out .... :?
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Suff » 08 Oct 2015, 18:45

TheOstrich wrote:One difficulty though is going to be the Eire / N. Ireland border ...... that's going to be a kettle of fish to sort out .... :?

True, but that could quite efficiently be cut off at Belfast or Larne.

There is a very big difference between trying to cross the Med when you can see the Greek island and trying to cross the Irish Sea in anything other than a large ferry. Also it's as easy to just truck them to the Eire border and say "go that way we're not keeping you".

Of course we could let them stay in the 6 counties and demand "equal tolerance" for their religion... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:

I know, I know, I could not resist it was bad of me...
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Workingman » 08 Oct 2015, 19:10

If you trawl around you will find snippets of unrest in Germany, and not only from Pediga. Local politicians in the Lande and cities are not well pleased and neither are the local communities, especially in the smaller towns, where the immigrants are being "housed" - for now.

There is also unrest among the different immigrant communities.

It will only take a spark for things to heat up.
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Suff » 08 Oct 2015, 19:10

The whole thing is a Total Mess.

If you read that article in detail you realise that the EU, having manufactured this crisis, is now using this crisis to further it's own goals.

The crux of the mess
Talks open on surrendering national border controls to new EU authorities while first move in controversial new quota system begins when 20 Eritreans are flown from Rome to Sweden on Friday

“In particular, Member States should reinforce their pre-removal detention capacity to ensure the physical availability of irregular migrants for return.”

Really, do I not recall the EU countries berating the UK as being "inhuman" for insisting these immigrants were detained before we either let them in or repatriated the? Funny how the story changes when the boot is on the other foot.

surprising progress towards the creation of a single EU border guards system under which countries would surrender national powers in favour of a new regime led by Frontex, the fledgling EU borders agency

Didn't know the EU had a Borders Agency? The EU is also creating embassies in every country in the world and will have ambassadors too...... All set out in the Lisbon Treaty signed by the Traitor to the UK, Gordon Brown....

“A large majority was in favour of collective responsibility.”

Ho.... Ho..... Ho.....

A large majority were bullied into it after being reminded that they had already signed away their rights to border control under Schengen and Lisbon treaties.

But the overall figure for the quotas is 160,000 and diplomats working on the policy now say it is almost impossible to identify potential beneficiaries among the 600,000 people who have entered the EU this year because most refuse to be registered at the point of entry in Greece or Italy

So, instead of doing what must be done and registering the immigrants at point of entry, processing them and then letting in those who should stay. What we do is let them wander all over the EU looking for the "best deal" then use the crisis to further EU power consolidation.....

EU politics 101. You stab my back and I'll stab yours twice as hard....

Thursday’s meeting also made great play of the new “hotspots” system which is barely operational in Italy and not yet working in Greece....

Without functioning hotspots, Berlin and Brussels insist, there will be no sharing of refugees. ....

“Everyone talks about hotspots, but no one has ever seen one,” said an EU ambassador. “It’s a bit like the yeti.”

Your EU, working for itself, as ever...

Now let's come down to the only bit of good news...

Britain takes no part in common EU asylum policies and is the only country in the EU declining to contribute to the new quotas system sharing refugees.

There's a vote spinner for starters...
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Workingman » 09 Oct 2015, 15:55

The BBC is reporting that attacks on immigrants by Germans has risen more than three times the total for 2014.

Sky is also reporting that Bavaria is to take the Federal Government to court over the number of imigrants. Others may follow.

All going well: isn't it?
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Suff » 09 Oct 2015, 16:04

My colleagues told me that the Swede's sent a group of them north on a bus to a "safe" area north of Stockholm. When those poor, persecuted and desperately needing security and safety, refugees from violence, saw where they had been taken, they refused to get off the busses and almost had a riot.

Eventually the Swede's relented and drove them back to the city....

Grateful aren't they!
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Suff » 09 Oct 2015, 16:18

The tide of opinion is turning too....
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Workingman » 09 Oct 2015, 16:30

Shame, isn't it?

Those sent to Hamburg were expecting a Schloss with stables and footmen. What they got was a converted (disused) shipping container. Ahhh.
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