Is Russia winning in Syria?

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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby Workingman » 05 Oct 2015, 20:03

I see that NATO has warned Russia to keep its planes out of NATO airspace or action will be taken. It has also told Russia to stop targeting rebels and civilians and concentrate on IS.

Isn't it good to know that we are on the side with all the answers?
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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby Suff » 05 Oct 2015, 20:22

Since NATO has effectively done the square root of bugger all about IS, I think it's a bit rich really...

If Turkey didn't want Assad gone so badly, they might be more reasonable..
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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby Workingman » 05 Oct 2015, 20:44

I agree. Putin will stick up the finger, and carry on.

Then what?

This is getting more than silly. :o
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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby TheOstrich » 05 Oct 2015, 23:52

Apparently, 41 Syrian rebel groups have vowed to start fighting the Russians. :shock: :roll:

How any anti-establishment faction in any country can have no less than 41 disparate and separate groupings and still hope to overthrow that country's existing rulers is somewhat beyond my ken ..... ... ian-forces

Not long now before the first Russian infantry divisions (oops, I meant "volunteers") arrive. They already have a minimum of 6 battle tanks at the airbase, I read somewhere ....

This only has the capacity to get messier and bloodier ....
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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby cromwell » 06 Oct 2015, 08:34

TheOstrich wrote:Apparently, 41 Syrian rebel groups have vowed to start fighting the Russians. :shock: :roll:

How any anti-establishment faction in any country can have no less than 41 disparate and separate groupings and still hope to overthrow that country's existing rulers is somewhat beyond my ken .....

Exactly like Iraq, exactly like Libya.

Which makes me think that the whole "Arab Spring" was orchestrated from the start by outsiders.
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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby Suff » 06 Oct 2015, 17:28

Only 41? The more the merrier as far as those who set this up are concerned. Because once they are done and set to squabbling, someone can come along and be king maker and all the other groups will just have to sit down and take it.

What will be left then? Some cabal of religious fanatics who think Islam is life and law and hate the west.

Personally I'd rather have a secular dictator we can work with than a bunch of crazies like IS who think that "communicating" is cutting someone's head off with a sword on a recording then putting it on YouTube.....

The US can blather all it wants I don't care whether Turkey likes it or not, Assad needs to stay and he needs to stay in power after this is all over. Otherwise we will all pay the price. On this one I'm with Putin. The fact that they don't care if civilians are hurt because the terrorists have placed themselves in the middle of civilians is regrettable, but it is a price which must be paid to get rid of IS.

We will never get rid of IS with our own press running around calling us murderers for exiting murdering animals with a British passport from this plane of existence. If Putin want's to do it for his own ends???? On you go mate.
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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby Workingman » 07 Oct 2015, 14:20

Dear Barrak,

You have cruise missiles and we have cruise missile. We are not afraid to use them, and have. Iran lets us fire them in its airspace. Iraq cannot stop us and we do not car either way. Syria is happy with them.

I just thought you would like to know.

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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby KateLMead » 09 Oct 2015, 08:25

Four Russian Cruise Missiles land on a village in Iran.. We are living in frightening times.. What good can risking the lives of 100 of our servicemen do in Syria. We have Nothing to protect this country when and if needs be., in my opinion the danger gets closer in my opinion every day.
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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby victor » 09 Oct 2015, 10:36

seen no proof of this Kate.

bravado by the USA ,they want people to think theirs are the best?

on the other they have NEVER hit the wrong target -have they?
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Re: Is Russia winning in Syria?

Postby Suff » 09 Oct 2015, 12:27

What like the Chinese embassy in Belgrade??

Or the hospital full of Medcins sans frontiers just recently??

Clearly the Russians have to up their game to do it in style! Pots and kettles I guess...
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