Truley and honestly mindboggling

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Truley and honestly mindboggling

Postby Suff » 23 Oct 2015, 12:25

Merkel invites 850,000 "immigrants" to Germany and then "Demands" that there are permanent quotas set so that they can beparcelled out to other EU countries.

Then the EU and Merkel have the utter Gaul to be surprised that 15 of the 26 who will be involved, are extremely anti.

Tip for Victor Orban. Great where do we sign up? Once signed, Right we'll take 500,000 and that's 15m to you Merkel. Don't worry we'll sub the busses.......
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Re: Truley and honestly mindboggling

Postby TheOstrich » 23 Oct 2015, 13:07

I started a thread on this at the same time as Suff, so I'll delete mine. This is my original OP

Oxford 8m ago:
Had dinner with a senior Polish official in Kiev a couple of weeks back and spent much of the time talking about the German position. It was quite clear that the Poles believe that Merkel has completely lost the plot.

One of the Vox Pops on this article: ... -eu-quotas

And before anyone says, oh well, it won't affect us because we're not in the Schenken Agreement, it will, because we'll be paying a tidy part of the costs of all this.

I cannot wait to get out of the EU. In fact, the sooner the better. I think it also fair to say that I know very few people in RL who want to stay in.
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Re: Truley and honestly mindboggling

Postby cromwell » 23 Oct 2015, 17:26

I am increasingly of the view that the "migrant crisis" has been created deliberately in order to get millions of people into Europe, changing it forever.

I want no part of the Islamisation/ Balkanisation of Europe and it is just one of the reasons that I want out of the EU.
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Re: Truley and honestly mindboggling

Postby Workingman » 23 Oct 2015, 17:47

This single issue has had me turn 180º.

If pressed I could make good arguments for staying in the EU, but this mess has done it for me. I now want out, and I want out asap.

I fear Europe turning back to the 1930s, but this time it will not be the political ideology of one country turning against a religion/race, it will be multiple cultures doing the same regarding Moslems - another religion/race conflict.

It will be partly their fault for not integrating, and partly the fault of the political classes for thinking it could ever work.
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Re: Truley and honestly mindboggling

Postby TheOstrich » 23 Oct 2015, 18:26

Well, that's quite an unexpected admission from your good self, WM, and yes, it might indeed be a bit of a game-changer when it comes to Brexit.

I hope and expect the "Leave" lobby will major on it ......

I see old Li Chung Whatsit said he wants us to stay in the EU :evil: - well, we'll promise not to mention your human rights as long as you keep your nose out of our political affairs, matey.
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Re: Truley and honestly mindboggling

Postby Workingman » 23 Oct 2015, 19:16

Ossie, I have no problem in changing my mind when it is obvious that my previous stance was wrong. I wish that some politicians would do the same.
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Re: Truley and honestly mindboggling

Postby Aggers » 23 Oct 2015, 21:04

Workingman wrote:Ossie, I have no problem in changing my mind when it is obvious that my previous stance was wrong. I wish that some politicians would do the same.

I am not changing my mind. I have always thought, "Sod the EU.
We were hoodwinked into becoming a member. Let's get out".

Re: Truley and honestly mindboggling

Postby Suff » 24 Oct 2015, 09:13

WM on many of the things you have supported and wanted out of the EU, you were not wrong. However the EU now has a cancerous core which is eating it alive. That has been evident to me for a while and it's things like this that make it abundantly clear that we don't belong and should get out.

It does not give me pleasure or any satisfaction that you have had to change your mind like this because there are many things about the EU to recommend it; which you often state and they need to be stated if we are going to have a rational debate about it.

But this one issue has highlighted something I have been saying for quite a long time. It's a two pronged thing.

1. The leaders of the EU will do just about anything to show that the UK is out of step with the EU and needs to change in order to be a "good EU citizen". Even to the point of destroying their own demographics of their country with ridiculous amounts of immigration and then trying to create a quota in the EU to "fob off" those immigrants later.....

2. The EU institutions are now working for the EU and not for any member state. As they grow in power they will bring in a Soviet super state mentality which will completely overwhelm any member state, including Germany. I also believe that in the wake of the VW scandal, the EU will finally turn its back on feeding Germany the vast majority of the manufacturing business and start moving it out elsewhere.

If you put those two together, the #5 economy, the #4 in wealth and the #3 in military might, in the world, does not need to be tied to the EU. Now that the EU has finally shown that it will be poisonous for the UK, why would we want to stay? The downsides now far outweigh the upsides.
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