The Party is over

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Re: The Party is over

Postby Suff » 28 Oct 2015, 12:55

Now Austria is building a fence to "slow the flow" of migrants crossing from Slovenia.

Apart from the monumental hypocrisy of the government who roundly lambasted Hungary, this is the first time a physical border has been created between two Schengen countries since the borders first came down...

Nice to know nobody is panicking... Nice to know that "humanity" is being practised. Nice to know that the open invite to refugees has caused such a huge problem that it has put countries at each others throats and broken the Schengen accord...

Watch this space because, truly, it's only just the beginning of this particular rabbit hole.
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Workingman » 28 Oct 2015, 15:48

Reuters also has the story, but do not look for it on the BBC or Sky.
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Workingman » 28 Oct 2015, 18:35

Another piece of news slipping under the mat over the weekend was that of Poland's Law and Justice party - conservative and Eurosceptic - winning the election. It has won enough votes to give it single party control of parliament.

More party poopers on their way.
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Re: The Party is over

Postby Suff » 28 Oct 2015, 19:22

Never say Never.

Apparently it's now OK to deport "migrants" who are illegal and it's OK to build fences. Because Germany and Austria say so.....

I'm rapidly reaching the point of forget the license fee, just get rid of the BBC.....
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