Ton, I associate with that.
We bought our two houses for €32k and €43k respectively (although at wildly different exchange rates) and after a solid decade of renovation plus at least another 5 years of work on the second house yet to do, I doubt we could sell them for any more than €250k. Which would buy us a modest mid terraced house in Lincolnshire or Scotland if we were very lucky but leave us no cash from the deal.
Contrast the 6 bedroom London town house in Fulham, just off the New Kings Road, with attic and extensive cellar, which my father and Uncles sold off for £265,000 back in 1986.
I believe each of the three flats it was broken up into are now worth in the >£1 bracket. But two of the brothers could not afford to pay their share of the death duties so it had to go.
They make quite interesting houses when
totally renovated..