Curried cauli

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Curried cauli

Postby tonicha » 13 Apr 2016, 18:30

Something I saw on Saturday kitchen the other day, so giving it a go.

A whole cauliflower, take off the leaves and the heart, not all, as it should still stay together.

In a bowl, add 250g natural greek yoghurt, add 1 - 2 teaspoons of curry powder and 2 - 4 teaspoons of curry paste. ( I can't get curry paste, so mashed some garlic gloves.)

Mix all that together then spread over the cauli. Stab cauli :o all over ;)

Put in oven and bake, depending on size 50 minutes to an hour.

Gas 4 or 180C.

I'll let you know what it tastes/looks like ;)
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby tonicha » 13 Apr 2016, 20:16

Huuummmmm, well, obviously my gas oven needs to be better :roll: :roll: It's brilliant at roast taters, but obviously not so good on cooler things.

The flavour was good - and the outside was ok, but the inside wasn't cooked - although Grumpy, being a very good boy, ate some of it :shock: :roll: :lol: :lol:

So I'm going to freeze it then microwave it, for the next curry. Hopefully, that'll soften it up.

I would think that it would need at least 2 hours and a hotter oven - o maybe it was just a huge cauli ;) :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby Diflower » 13 Apr 2016, 20:56

I've cut out a recipe where you cut the cauli right through, into thick slices, then much the same, tandoori-style, yoghurt mixed with curry paste.
Or just oil and curry spices.
That would probably work better :)
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby Workingman » 14 Apr 2016, 18:11

I think it was Madhur Jaffrey who I saw do this.

She cored the cauli from below and sealed it in a dome of foil for the first part of cooking then removed it to allow it to, sort of, crisp up. No idea of the times but I would have thought that 1 hour was not enough.
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby tonicha » 14 Apr 2016, 19:57

Certainly not in my oven WM :roll: :roll:

It does superb roast taters, but this is the second time I've noted that the lower heat is not good.

But as I'm giving it to a friend in a few weeks, we'll see what the new oven is like.

And yes, I was concerned about an hour, but that's what they said on Saturday Kitchen.
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby meriad » 15 Apr 2016, 15:07

Ton, have a look here how to make your own curry paste : ... Xsbvd2u.97

I think you can get most bits and bobs can't you? If not let me know - happy to post some off again x
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby Workingman » 15 Apr 2016, 22:34

What is it with JOliver and oil?

I know that his name 'Oliver' and has 'olive' in it, but give us a break with the oil bit!

Use just enough to bind the dry ingredients and gently heat them till the oil creates a sheen. Jar up in a sterilised jar and refrigerate.
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby tonicha » 17 Apr 2016, 21:25

The olive oil we get here, WM, is soooo much better than you get in England.

And I'm sure Spain, Italy are the same.

I look for0.3% if I can. the 0-5% is fine, but not for cooking.

I did pork steak, with roast taters (by request :lol: :roll: :roll: ) steamed carrots, brocolli and the rest of tinned peas, as that was all I had.

We just poured the olive oil over it all, with sea salt and ground black pepper.


Oh, and I roasted garlic and onion with the taters, so that added more flavour :D :D :D
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby Kaz » 17 Apr 2016, 21:41

I've bought some gorgeous olive oil back from Corfu, every time we've been, it is far nicer than the stuff I buy here. We get through it a fair bit, one of Mick's fave dinners is baked veg such as peppers, onions, courgettes etc, on a tray with some chops or chicken pieces and sprinkled with herbs, sloshed with olive oil, then into a hot oven, Really simple but so healthy and delish :) Not much washing up either ;)

I love the sound of the curried cauli, but know it would play havoc with my tum :oops: :lol:
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Re: Curried cauli

Postby Diflower » 26 Apr 2016, 11:34

This one sounds good for the method Ton, and says a total of an hour and 20 minutes ... kpea-salad
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