Smudge at the vets

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Smudge at the vets

Postby Gal » 09 Jul 2016, 21:39

I thought Smudge seemed a little quiet, a little off his food and not quite himself the other day, so I phoned the vets to ask for an appointment. I said I had been advised to keep him in overnight (I have a helpline associated with his insurance and I'd phoned them on Thursday) to monitor what he passed - he is an outdoor cat and I have no idea what he passes as he toilets outdoors all the time.

The litter tray was clean on Friday morning, and dry. Smudge had been in the house most of Thursday and overnight - thing is, he refuses to use the tray and Tom said he'd been desperate to be out when he'd got up early on Friday morning, but he'd not had a wee in the tray. When I pointed this out to the vet, they urged me to get him there asap, as it could be quite serious. On examination, they said he had a very big bladder and that because he hadn't had a wee, it was likely there was an obstruction, possibly a stone, and they gave me an estimate on how much I'd need to pay for them to catheterise him to release the urine and check he had no stone, or crystals....he'd need to be anaesthetised and kept in overnight (possibly) - quote was for £520!

I said if that had to be done then so be it, knowing full well he wouldn't wee because he hates the tray. I was very upset to leave him, he never cries but he cried all the way to the vets. I got a call from them an hour later to say they had manipulated his belly and he emptied his bladder - lots!! So my hunch was right....oh and btw did you know he has a heart murmur? With your permission can we carry out some blood tests to see what's going on? So Im in a cafe at this point and it was quite noisy in there so I agreed to the tests without asking the price. I could collect him after they'd taken the blood samples.....went to get him, bill came to £250!! :shock: I had no choice but to pay then and there (he is insured but at this point I'm uncertain what to do about claiming, there may be more to come!) They'll let me know the results on Monday.

I'm sick at heart. He's not 'right' - a little off his food and a bit sleepy....he's out atm but has slept all day, (having been out all night last night) he's had best part of a pouch and a few biscuits but at this time of day he's usually had two pouches and 'asks' for food when he's hungry. After what we went through with Tinker I am a bit scared...

Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby TheOstrich » 09 Jul 2016, 22:02

<<Smudge & Gal>> .... well, at least it wasn't a kidney stone .... I do hope you get it sorted with the blood results on Monday, Gal.
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Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby Kaz » 09 Jul 2016, 23:20

Oh nooo poor Smudge :( I would either dig out my policy or ring them to find out what the usual procedure is for claiming Gal, you shouldn't have any probs, just the excess to pay.

Hope he will be ok :) xxxxxxxxxxxx
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Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby Osc » 10 Jul 2016, 10:42

Poor Smudge -and poor Gal too xxxx
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Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby Gal » 10 Jul 2016, 16:02

Thank you xxx

He's still very sleepy and off his food today - he's eaten some treats when encouraged, but left last night's wet food untouched (I'd covered it up) so that's now two meals he has missed - he's eaten a few dry biscuits as well as the treats but nothing to speak of really.

Tbf his days are mostly spent sleeping as he spends all night out and about, but it's still a worry. I'm dreading the call from the vets with the blood test results in case it's something bad.....

Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby Kaz » 10 Jul 2016, 21:34

:( More ((((((((hugs)))))))) xxx
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Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby JoM » 11 Jul 2016, 14:33

Oh Gal...poor Smudge and poor you xx
I hope the blood results aren't anything to worry about.

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Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby Gal » 11 Jul 2016, 19:11

Thank you both xxx

I rang the vets today but the results aren't back yet....not sure if that's good or not. In the meantime he is still off his food and sleepy and lethargic :( It's no good taking him back to the vet until the results are back, apparently.

Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby Kaz » 11 Jul 2016, 22:13

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Re: Smudge at the vets

Postby JoM » 11 Jul 2016, 22:26

Really sorry to see that you're still waiting for results :( xx

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