British children are among the least active in the world, an international study has warned. Research comparing the activity levels of children in 38 countries across the world put England, Wales and Scotland behind countries like Ireland, Slovenia and the United Arab Emirates.
No wonder there is so much child obesity.
Well - who's fault is it? Should our schools be including more physical activity in their
curriculum? Or should parents undertake this responsibility? How much is this problem a result of modern technology? Should parents be stricter in insisting that their children spend less time looking at an electronic screen? And should parents complain to the schools for putting their children's homework on the Internet - who's daft idea was that? There is no doubt in my mind that the human race is going on a downhill path when it comes to living a healthy life. And hardly anyone seems to care a damn as long as they have an electric plaything to twiddle their thumbs and gaze upon.
Well, what do you think?