TheOstrich wrote:Regrettably, concrete barriers won't stop lone suicide bombers .... I think that is the greater danger in the UK. It may have to come that there's controlled entrances and exits to these markets, with security guards patting folk down..
I also think the UK intelligence services must be the unsung heroes behind the fact we've not had recent atrocities in this country.
I think the Winter Wonderland event in Hyde Park has security on the entrances but, I think, just bag checks are carried out which won't find explosives strapped to someone's body.
I'm trying not to think about it too much or I'll be in a state of constant worry. The places which could be targeted are endless. For instance, do all shoppers entering the Bullring need searching? I went to a concert with Tom a few days after the attacks in Paris and found myself looking around while waiting for it to start, my mind had started looking for possible ways to exit the place should we need to.