In addition to all the Ofsted rubbish they have to do, every secondary school will be "offered training" on how to identify and help children who are suffering from anxiety and depression in order to try and prevent mental illness.
Oh wonderful, as if they don't have enough to do as it is. Plus, young people are anxious at school sometime like when exams are coming up. Plus, all this arm round the shoulders business is only going to encourage more snowflake-ism.
Schools are already required to:-
Report any "racist incidents" and
"monitor and shield" pupils from becoming radicalised.
I honestly think that a lot of problems in society that have been caused by politicians are being pushed at schools to solve; and it's really unfair. Also, I've no doubt that some bright spark will come up with an idea that means that schools end up with even more work to do that has nothing to do with education.