Very funny. There are a whole load of articles going around saying that 8 people own half the worlds wealth, that 62 people own half the worlds wealth. Blah, Blah, Blah.
It's all based on a Credit Suisse wealth report, an update on the 2013 wealth report on Wikipedia.
Reality? Well the Guardian report is more on track, with half the world's wealth is in the hands of 1% of the population.
Great so what is the reality?
Let's put it another way. 8% of the worlds population owns 86% of the worlds wealth.
What you say, horrendous, you say.
Well, let me see. Wealth is considered your net assets - your liabilities. Assets are money in the bank, current house value and the estimated surrender value of any private pension you own. Less mortgages and other debts.
Right. So, if you own a house with a current equity value of £80,000, a new moderate family car and a comfortable private pension, then you are one of that 8%.
Now here's the real shocker. If you own a house with equity in the £750,000 area, have a reasonable middle management work pension and have a car in the Audi/BMW mid range, then you are one of the 1%.
Is it really our fault that 73% of the world have a net wealth of less than $10,000? The press, like the Guardian, would like to use these figures to have a go at the 33 million in the world who have $1m or more of net wealth. The reality is that the divide between the 3rd wold and the western world is so huge that these figures are totally meaningless. Also the 3rd world keeps on doubling population at such a rate that they are going to keep themselves there forever.
I, for one, refuse to be deceived and will always check the reality of the figures.