by cruiser2 » 21 Feb 2017, 19:29
The dates when the pension from my former employer is paid into my bank account is shown in the diary we get in December each year.
The earliest is in January and December. It is 20th of each month this year. It is between 25th and 28th for the other months.
My state pension is paid every four weeks. I always check that it has been paid as I cannot remember the dates.
I only get one pay slip in April showing how much I will be paid each month for the following year. I will only be issued with a new one if any of the totals alter by more than ten pounds.
This is saving the company postage and paper.
We still get a P60 in April showing how much tax I have paid.
Mrs.e has three private pensions which are paid on the same date each month. It doesn't matter which day of the week it is.