The Random Thread

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Re: The Random Thread

Postby Kaz » 01 Mar 2017, 09:19

D was on the radio yesterday morning, BBC Radio Gloucestershire! They rang her saying they wanted to do a piece about bereavement, and could she pass on anyone's number, from her Cruse connections. She didn't think it was right to do that, as it us such a sensitive issue, so they asked if she would do it herself :o She did well, but sounded very quiet, probably as she was so nervous and dosed up with Rescue Remedy ;) :lol: :D
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby JoM » 01 Mar 2017, 11:55

Fantastic! Does she have plans for a garden party again this year?
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby Kaz » 01 Mar 2017, 16:37

She says maybe, I'll help out again if she does :)
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby tonicha » 01 Mar 2017, 20:24

Bum :evil: :evil: :cry:

Don't you just hate it when you split a nail - really low down :roll: :cry: especially on a nice, long 'un :roll: :cute:
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby saundra » 03 Mar 2017, 17:49

Like the middle of winter here and JAndK are of to blackpool for the weekend to celebrate his birthday bbbrrr
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby tonicha » 03 Mar 2017, 20:58

That was pretty revolting - mackerel :cry: :cry: :cry: :cute: :cute:
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby tonicha » 03 Mar 2017, 20:59

That was pretty revolting - mackerel :cry: :cry: :cry: :cute: :cute:
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby Kaz » 03 Mar 2017, 21:09

Gosh Ton, life's too short to eat stuff you can't stand xx
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby tonicha » 03 Mar 2017, 21:16

Cholesteral is rather high Kaz, need to bring it down.

I was very naughty last night and had a lot of pork loin - so today it was porridge and mackerel. Tomorrow it's porridge and chicken.

Monday is more fish - white fish this time, I really do not like the smell of mackerel :evil: :evil:
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Re: The Random Thread

Postby Kaz » 03 Mar 2017, 21:21

There must be stuff you can eat instead though?
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