The Replacement

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Re: The Replacement

Postby Workingman » 15 Mar 2017, 20:07

Back to the Replacement.

I was so disappointed with that ending, it was just too 'as expected' where I wanted it to be edgy and a little bit dark.

Ah well......
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Re: The Replacement

Postby miasmum » 16 Mar 2017, 00:01

As ever I just ended up thinking what a load of tosh.

So she took those sleeping tablets and yet had no after effects, could hot wire a car, knew more about the workings of the electrics than a car thief.

How did she get into the library? Surely a building like that isn't left unlocked with no one in it and if someone was in it, why didn't they hear the baby?

and at the end of the day, what was it all about?????????? Who was Georgia, what was her part in it? Bit of a coincidence she was also an architect, are they two a penny round there????

Why when her mother in law was so supportive didn't she go to her immediately?

Why when her husband said are you sleeping with him didn't she say who?

What was Kay's part in it all, what was the number plate she had on her phone?

If anyone can answer any of those questions I would be grateful

oh and who puts a baby on the window sill :lol: :lol:
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Re: The Replacement

Postby victor » 17 Mar 2017, 09:38

Yes it did rather "jump"from situation to situation " rather quickly without any links
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Re: The Replacement

Postby Gal » 17 Mar 2017, 14:31

Well I'm no expert but this is how I interpreted it (my answers in bold)

miasmum wrote:As ever I just ended up thinking what a load of tosh.

So she took those sleeping tablets and yet had no after effects, could hot wire a car, knew more about the workings of the electrics than a car thief.

How did she get into the library? Surely a building like that isn't left unlocked with no one in it and if someone was in it, why didn't they hear the baby? There was nobody there to hear a baby

and at the end of the day, what was it all about?????????? Who was Georgia, what was her part in it? She was the woman who had 'accidentally' killed Paula's 8 year old daughter Bit of a coincidence she was also an architect, are they two a penny round there????

Why when her mother in law was so supportive didn't she go to her immediately? I don't think she had a close relationship with her

Why when her husband said are you sleeping with him didn't she say who? They had been talking about David at the time

What was Kay's part in it all, what was the number plate she had on her phone? Kay was David's wife and she had found out about Ellen and David's 'affair' (which to me seemed not to have any substance, David was besotted but Ellen didn't even know!) The number plate was that of Georgia's who had knocked Paula's daughter down, and Kay knew about all this

If anyone can answer any of those questions I would be grateful Hopefully the bits in bold will answer some ;)

oh and who puts a baby on the window sill :lol: :lol: Can't answer that, although it was a table on a balcony, if that makes it any easier to understand ;)

Re: The Replacement

Postby miasmum » 17 Mar 2017, 16:43

Gal I understood all that, but none of it made any sense. It was all complete rubbish
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Re: The Replacement

Postby Workingman » 17 Mar 2017, 21:37

Gal, I get all the answers, but I still do not get what the whole thing was about?

When the characters were being developed, first and half of the second episodes, it looked fine. From then on it got all messed up and contrived.

And the sleeping tablets/locked in the car escape was nonsense of the first order!

Had Paula used Ellen to get after Georgia in a belief that the accident wasn't.... that might have made sense.
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Re: The Replacement

Postby TheOstrich » 18 Mar 2017, 11:54

We've seen this before, haven't we? Promising drama develops well over the first three or four episodes. Then suddenly it's the last one - and the writers "panic" to wrap things up, and usually not very satisfactorily.

The last "Line of Duty" was a case in point, with Vicky McClure almost becoming a superhero, wielding a sten gun and chasing a car of suspects - on foot - through the back streets of Belfast.
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Re: The Replacement

Postby Workingman » 18 Mar 2017, 14:39

TheOstrich wrote:We've seen this before, haven't we? Promising drama develops well over the first three or four episodes. Then suddenly it's the last one - and the writers "panic" to wrap things up, and usually not very satisfactorily.

It appears to be the modern way on British TV with all of these mini series' knocking about - no time to develop. The Yanks go the other way with their 22 or 24 parters.

The very best in recent years have been the Nordic Noir types - Wallander, Borgen, the Bridge......
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Re: The Replacement

Postby Rodo » 19 Mar 2017, 12:30

It's such a shame really as it had the makings of something really good.

Pity the script writer ran out of paper at the end.


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