Morning all
oh dear Ossie, that doesn't sound good - hope you're on the mend and feel back to normal very soon; they really knock the stuffing out of you don't they, these tummy bugs
Aggers, dentistry had some such a long way. Still not my favourite person to go see, but so much better now-a-days.
Ton, good luck with the in-laws; how long are they planning on staying?
Ally, Jo and Kaz, enjoy your respective days being busy doing all you're doing
Saundra, hope the weather holds and you can sit out in the garden. My garden is like yours a lovely sun trap, esp when there is no wind. But when it's windy it really hits the garden and can make it really horrid
Well usual usual for me today and I'm quite pleased. I've been home late every night this week so looking forward to getting home on time
Have a lovely day all x