Tell the truth - resign.

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Tell the truth - resign.

Postby Workingman » 16 Aug 2017, 19:41

Legal opinion.
Robert Buckland told the Telegraph that racism cut "all ways" and should be "front and centre" when it is part of grooming and sexual abuse cases. Mr Buckland said tougher prison sentences should be given when it was established that sexual abuse was racially aggravated.
"The law does not discriminate," he said.
"When it talks about sentencing increases for racial aggravation it doesn't cut one way, it cuts all ways.
"Where there is a racial element in sexual abuse cases the law is clear that courts can apply a sentencing uplift."

Government view.
Then last Wednesday, Home Secretary Amber Rudd said sexual predators were "not restricted to any single ethnic group, religion or community". She added: "I want to be absolutely clear that political and cultural sensitivities must never be allowed to get in the way of preventing and uncovering it."

Step forward Labour's Sarah Champion, MP for Rotherham, one of the places where these attacks took place - 1400 of them. She said the UK needed "to be upfront that the majority of the perpetrators have been British-Pakistani" and called for the government to research why this is happening.
"The government aren't researching what is going on," she said. "Are these cultural issues? Is there some sort of message going out within the community?" "This isn't racist, this is child protection."

She then predicted: the "far right" would attack her comments for "not doing enough" and the "floppy left" would call her racist.

And so it has come to pass: She repeated her claims last Friday in the Sun and has now been hounded out of office as a shadow minister.
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Re: Tell the truth - resign.

Postby TheOstrich » 16 Aug 2017, 23:10

I know - it's absolutely ridiculous. The liberal-leftie-lovvies simply won't allow freedom of speech in this country.

Look at Trump - he is quite correct in blaming both left-wing and alt-right demonstrators for the violence in Virginia this last week. By all accounts, the hardcore of both sides were tooled up and ready for a fight - just like we've seen with the BNP / EDL and the Anti-Fascist Brigade clashes in this country. But no, you're only allowed to blame one side these days; the lefties are entirely innocent.
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Re: Tell the truth - resign.

Postby Suff » 17 Aug 2017, 07:34

Yes the hard left will not allow any message which contradicts the party line and Corbyn is an Islamic apologist.


Of course I didn't realise that it was a white Britsh native who raised a question about Pakistani Men raping white British girls.

Of course she had to resign....
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Re: Tell the truth - resign.

Postby AliasAggers » 17 Aug 2017, 12:10

If someone resident in this country commits a punishable crime then they should be punished.
In this regard I do not see that their race or religion has any relevance what-so ever.

We have allowed people to settle in our country, when it might have been circumspect not to
have done so, but as British citizens they are now required to conform to the modus operandi
of our society, whether they like it or not.
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Re: Tell the truth - resign.

Postby Workingman » 17 Aug 2017, 18:59

AliasAggers wrote:... but as British citizens they are now required to conform to the modus operandi
of our society, whether they like it or not.

And that is the message to be sent out loud and clear - no exceptions.

However, once the message is out there the actions of those involved with preventing the grooming and rapes have to be carried out without fear or favour.
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