Some VV vibes please

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Some VV vibes please

Postby meriad » 12 Sep 2017, 10:02

not for me, but for my boss's housekeeper Camilli. Cut a long story short, 3 years ago he bought two beagle pups as he wanted dogs. He also employed a full time housekeeper just for the dogs which - understandably - resulted in Camilli becoming very attached to the girls and she has spent nearly every waking hour with them since they were pups. A few months ago, my manager told me he wanted to rehome the dogs with Camilli to have first option to say yes or no; and of course she wanted to keep them - they're her babies! Anyway, problem is that Camilli shares a room with her cousin; the landlady doesn't allow dogs so she had no where to keep them. For the past month she's been moving from one friend to another which has been very unsettling for her and the girls. The decision was then made that the girls would be flown to Rio in Brazil where Camilli is from and where she will be moving back to in a few years. They will stay with her dad and she will have regular skype contact with them (via her sister). Anyway, today was the day the girls were collected from the house and tomorrow midday they'll be on a flight to Rio.

The issue however is that the reception centre in Rio isn't a 24 hour one like here at Heathrow, so whilst the people should wait for the flight to arrive, if it's badly delayed then Rio being Rio, they'll go home and no-one will be there for the girls when they arrive which means they'll not be allowed out their crates until the next morning. They will be given water (and hopefully food) but that's about it. So some VV vibes would be amazing to make sure the flight is on time and all goes smoothly over in Brazil. Between Camilli and I, we have done what we can here and it now really is in the hands of the Gods.
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Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby Diflower » 12 Sep 2017, 10:51

Vibes aplenty on their way.
Complicated solution but let's hope it works!

As for people who get dogs as a passing fancy... :evil:
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Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby Gal » 12 Sep 2017, 13:16

What Di said....loads of vibes xxxxx

Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby Ally » 12 Sep 2017, 13:25

Vibes being sent over Ria. xx

But what a palaver. :roll: :shock:
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Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby Kaz » 12 Sep 2017, 17:05

Aw what a worry! I hope the reception in Rio will be more smooth than expected. My friends at Dogs in Brazil might have been able to help, they are in Teresopolos, near Rio, and often rehome dogs abroad so know the drill with dogs at the airport, but they have a bit of a crisis at the moment as one of the owners is awaiting heart surgery :(

I should think the dogs will be ok as long as they have water, although it is far from ideal :?

Agreeing about discarding dogs as playthings, it's horrible :( xxxxx
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Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby miasmum » 12 Sep 2017, 18:06

I know I will be in the minority here and probably unpopular but in my opinion this is one of those scenarios where just because you can doesn't mean you should.

I appreciate she loves the dogs and in a few years she will be moving back to Brazil, but those dogs have been uprooted so many times and as you say she has moved from pillar to post with them. Personally I think they should have been rehomed to somewhere suitable, maybe where she could still see them, in the beginning.

My friend had a German Shepherd, but her husband was in the Army and they were moved to Hong Kong. Yes she could have taken Cara, but she didn't want to put her through quarantine, and she wasn't used the climate in Hong Kong so she made the heartbreaking decision to let Cara go. As luck would have it, Cara was rehomed by my in-laws and my friend stayed in touch until the end.

I appreciate rehoming an animal is heartbreaking, Lord knows it broke my heart to rehome that flipping cat and I'd only had him for 3 weeks, but sometimes you have to put the needs of the animals first

That said this is happening and I hope all goes smoothly for them tomorrow
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Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby Kaz » 12 Sep 2017, 21:03

They adapt amazingly well Shell, honestly. I've seen it time and again, through Dogs in Brazil, the charity I follow on Facebook, and support.
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Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby meriad » 13 Sep 2017, 09:40

Shell, I get what you're saying and to some extent I agree - and generally I would 100% agree.

I was really against my boss getting the dogs in the first place, and the only saving grace was that he employed Camilli at the same time so the dogs have had her in their life all the time. He (and therefore Camilli) have been the the only home they've known. The past month that they moved around I suspect was more unsettling for Camilli than the dogs - they're used to heading out with her. Quite a few weekends (even though she wasn't officially working) she'd collect the dogs and have them with her for the weekend and take them out and about; so they used to being with people and other dogs. They're incredibly well socialised animals and they've done lots of training with them.

As for rehoming, believe you me, I'd have definitely pushed for that option and I did seriously look at it- but these are two beagles; and there are so many in rescue already and they're not the easiest to rehome. Also, the girls would have to stay together - separating them would not have been an option and rehoming one beagle is hard enough - rehoming two nigh on impossible. The option of them flying to Brazil was the best for them. They stay together - they're going to Camilli's dad who has a farm so they'll have lots of land to run around. Camilli has a sister there as well who has dogs of her own so will be on hand as well. They'll be very pampered pooches. Just a huge pity that Brazil is so far away and one cannot drive there ;) It's the next 24 hours that'll be the most unsettling for them.

Kaz, I was thinking about contacting Dogs in Brazil to see what, if any, advice they could give, but I knew that Carlos wasn't well so didn't want to disturb them unnecessarily. Camilli and her father have both spoken to an agency over there that deals with the import of the pets and they've given some advise. Ultimately it all now boils down to the flight being on time and the people the other end being there. There is nothing anyone can do to control either of those sadly... so we just keep fingers crossed x
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Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby Ally » 13 Sep 2017, 09:52

Fingers crossed all goes well Ria. xx
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Re: Some VV vibes please

Postby Gal » 13 Sep 2017, 13:27

Kaz I have often wondered, forgive me if I am being obtuse, but why a dog charity based in Brazil? I am sure there would be many more closer to home to support, where you could visit from time to time. Sorry if I am being impertinent, I'm just curious.

Ria I hope all goes well, animals are such a worry at times xx


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