It is OK to cry....

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It is OK to cry....

Postby Workingman » 21 Oct 2017, 19:11

Alright it was only watery eyes but what this little boy has done touched me no end. My faith in human nature got a boost.

He is seven and he is on a mission to give the homeless and rough sleepers backpacks filled with blankets, hats, food and other stuff. He has sold some of his toys and held garage sales in order to bring it all together.

It is a shame the BBC did not put up his fundraising site but I found it.

Off to get my CC.
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Re: It is OK to cry....

Postby Kaz » 21 Oct 2017, 22:50

What a little sweetheart! :) :) :cry: :)
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Re: It is OK to cry....

Postby JoM » 22 Oct 2017, 09:38

What a wonderful little boy! Homelessness breaks my heart. No one should be living like that :(

Just look how much he's now raised - nearly £1600 at the moment!!

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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Re: It is OK to cry....

Postby Kaz » 22 Oct 2017, 09:51

You're dead right Jo. It is totally unacceptable in this day and age. My zumba teacher and WW friend Jane raises cash and helps the homeless mission in the city centre here. Part of the profits from her anniversary zumbathon parties Emma and I have been to go towards this, and last year she was collecting old winter coats for them. I found a couple of coats and big jumpers for her.

Mick's friend, who is a councillor, and currently Sheriff of Gloucester, says that there are enough services in the city for them all to be off the streets, and that you shouldn't give money as it encourages them to buy drugs :? My reply is that if I had to sleep in filthy clothes on cold and wet pavements, I would probably turn to either drink or drugs myself!! :? :evil: :cry: He and Mick have had some right old ding-dongs over politics :lol: :lol: :roll:
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