Bom Dia Sunday

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Bom Dia Sunday

Postby tonicha » 02 Dec 2012, 08:45

Morning everyone

Up early - have been for a while, as a ton of wood is being delivered at 8.00 ish. But the sunrise was well worth it - stunning colours.

So once the wood is in, breakfast will be eaten and I'm going to stroll down to the car boot - all the way there and all the way back. With a pit-stop in the middle :lol:

Hope you all have a good day xx
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Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby Weka » 02 Dec 2012, 09:31

Morning Ton
I just got rid of a ton of firewood. :lol: gave it all to my mum and dad. Our new place doesn't have a fireplace, and we don't want to leave it for the tenants,as they may get the idea that we provide firewood.
Cleaned the oven today, and the kitchen is now mostly packed. I've been cleaning out each cupboard as I've emptied it.

Hubby and I went out last night to the 20th annual girls (and partners) Christmas party. Us girls started these in our final year at school with a promise that every year we get together. And apart from those now living overseas, we have every year.

Monday tomorrow means meeting the lawyer to sign house documents, and going to the house for a pre purchase inspection. Basically means to check that things like the oven hasnt been swapped for a cheap one, or the drapes all removed, that the building hasn't burnt down, that kind of thing. :)

Tilier comes back tomorrow to put the grouting in. Yippee! Image
Have a good day everyone
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Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby cruiser2 » 02 Dec 2012, 09:34

A cold and frosty morning here. Debating whether to go out this morning or stay in the warm house.

Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby Lozzles » 02 Dec 2012, 09:46

Morning all :D Freezing day here, but lovely and sunny :D
I could have done with your wood too Weka :lol: We need to get some more in as we are getting through it at the moment.
Enjoy the car boot sale Ton.
Nothing special planned here, but will have a nice walk later.
Have a good day everyone x
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Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby jenniren » 02 Dec 2012, 09:54

Morning all :D

Many thanks for all our anniversary good wishes.

Up early and rushing round getting ready for the invasion. Youngest daughter and grandsons will be arriving soon, then we're meeting oldest daughter and her brood at the hotel later for lunch. It's going to be a noisy crowd and I'm sure grandad will be getting lots of fuss and attention for his 60th birthday :lol:

Hope you all have a good day :D

jen x
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Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby Aggers » 02 Dec 2012, 10:24

Good morning friends.

Cold and frosty here.

A short, shuffling dog walk this morning - ice everywhere. Sun's out now so we may decide to have an outing later.

Have a nice day. :)

Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby Lozzles » 02 Dec 2012, 10:32

Happy Birthday to Mr Jen and have a lovely day Jen :D
Keep safe on those skiddy roads Aggers :) I must take Jasper out in a while too. Fortunately he can have a good romp around the garden first thing.
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Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby saundra » 02 Dec 2012, 10:36

morning all
sunshine here but frost on shed/car roofs
shocked to see DIL looking so thin/ill yesterday :shock:
but its early days
everybody needs logs today
weka glad you are getting sorted
ton dont fall on your walk
and everybody have a good day
stay warm
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Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby Kaz » 02 Dec 2012, 11:29

Morning everyone - we've all not long woken up :shock: :oops: :lol: :lol: I think we must have needed the sleep :roll:

Saundra your DIL has had a terrible ordeal but she'll recover soon with you all to look after her xxx

Quiet day here..................roast lunch then Mick takes H back to his dad's - the weekends he is here pass so quickly :(

Thick frost outside but lovely sunshine :) Enjoy the day everyone :)
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Re: Bom Dia Sunday

Postby Osc » 02 Dec 2012, 12:04

Good morning all. Woke to a very heavy frost but within the hour the temperature was rising and now it's drizzling rain. This afternoon we are heading off to a dance comp, and when it's finished we will eat out with some friends. In the meantime, I've to start looking at health insurance - the bill has come in for 2013 and is absolutely horrendous, and now that we are retired we can't afford it, so need to do some research to try and at least halve the cost. If it gets too depressing, I'll stop until tomorrow, I have all of December to sort it :lol: Having had private health insurance for over 30 years, and bearing in mind our age, we are not keen to give it up entirely and put ourselves at the mercy of our health service. Have a good day everyone :)
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