Good morning Friday

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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby meriad » 15 Dec 2017, 15:48

jenniren wrote:but I'm stocking up on lots of essentials for when I'm in hospital and the week or so afterwards.

I've been thinking about you and your op Jen and it makes me realise just how lucky my mom was when she had her hip replaced last year... yes, she had to pay for it via her medical insurance, but after her op she was sent directly from hospital to a form of rehab (Reha in Germany) for about 6 weeks where she had daily physio, hydrotherapy and they wouldn't let her home until she was able to do everything (walking, stairs, loo, getting in and out of bed etc) 100% by herself. It's so different here :o
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Workingman » 15 Dec 2017, 16:01

I am still going to the doctor's every other day to have a dressing changed.

On Wednesday there was a man struggling on crutches, and to make things worse the paths were icy. I offered to give him a lift home for which he was very thankful. It turned out that he had had his left hip replaced at the weekend and had gone to the doctors to re-stock his meds.

It was a case of in, op, rest for a day and then home. He said that everything was fine if he did not overdo things - like going to the doctor's surgery and pharmacy :oops: - and was looking forward to being back at work in three weeks! :shock:

So, Jen, be confident and get those running shoes out for the New Year.
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Kaz » 15 Dec 2017, 17:42

Still at the hospital! They were running late so she's not long gone down. On top of that B rang me to say she'd forgotten her key! To say I was cross is an understatement :( Mick has had to.pop back to let her in! Not to save Madam from waiting I hasten to add, but because the poor dogs will need to be let out!

Really cross with her :o
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby saundra » 15 Dec 2017, 18:01

Count to 10kaz might be a good idea to have a spare key and hide it some where typical when m is usually home as well
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby saundra » 15 Dec 2017, 18:04

Good luck for your mum ria
Gone are the days of converlescent homes here bring them back I say then it would free up beds in hospital
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Gal » 15 Dec 2017, 18:30

Kaz that's super quick for a second cataract - glad it's being done so fast though, hopefully she'll be done quickly and home very soon :)

What a day I've had! Coloured my hair first thing, and then stripped all the removable covers off my sofa to wash - it's a wrestle to do this and to get them all back on, but they're back on! Then spent almost three hours standing at the dining table wrapping presents - I thought I'd done enough of them last week but seemingly not! Which has made my back ache. Anyway I only have Lily's top to finish off, it's all knitted but I have the ends to run in and the buttons to sew on and then it can be wrapped as well!! Had to pop out to buy a loaf of cheap bread for the dogs food which I forgot last night when I went shopping after work - and also pick up a repeat prescription, it's hard work keeping track of what meds are running low since I take so many!! Picked them up and put in an order for two more lots!

I gouged a piece out of my thumb at work yesterday so I have been trying to manage with a plaster on it to keep it together - it's not helping me do practical things though. And my arm is still painful where I fell/tripped on the stairs the other week, I think I must have torn the muscle :(

Sorry to be so moany :o

Christmas staff night out tomorrow!

Hugs for Ally - hope today has gone as well as it could xxxxxxx

Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JoM » 15 Dec 2017, 18:48

Hope D's all done now Kaz xx

Oh no Gal, it all sounds painful :shock: and you're not moany at all, don't be daft ((((Gal))))

I still have to address the Christmas cards and do the dreaded post office trip.

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby JoM » 15 Dec 2017, 18:57

Oh Kaz, I'd be cross too. Tom managed to do that one day but there was no quick way to get home - we were at a match in Manchester! There's a spare key with my mom now.

And The Charlatans and Johnny Marr one week later
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Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Gal » 15 Dec 2017, 18:58

Oh heck yes so have I to do cards Jo - although not doing as many as usual this time x

Continued vibes for Joe xx (and thanks for saying I'm not moany ;) ) x

Re: Good morning Friday

Postby Osc » 15 Dec 2017, 19:10

Good evening Friday! Sorry to be late on call, but I think Wednesday caught up with me today. I woke up still with a heavy head and my tummy still not feeling great. I showered and git dressed to go to the gym but after breakfast, I decided to give it a miss and go back to bed. A good decision as I slept some more and woke with a clear head and a more settled tum. Just after I woke, Miss Osc phoned for a chat as she was on the train, so it was nice to have a natter with her. After my lunch I headed off to do the supermarket shop. I've written some more cards, we've had our dinner and will soon be going to our Friday social Christmas I had better go and smarten myself up!
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