by Suff » 07 Jun 2018, 10:54
Sorry I was being totally sarcastic.
We have 11M people not contributing to the economy. Some of them are, by profession, unemployed.
Certainly we should make this advantageous to the people currently on benefits. For instance we have made it prohibitive to go onto short term employment. All accrued benefits are lost, all assessments are lost and when the job is done, they are at the bottom of the heap whilst still having the same expenses.
If you ask me, I would have a slightly different scheme. For those who want to work I would keep them ON benefits for a year. I would have the employer pay their benefits to the government and if the wage did not exceed the benefits they would get a top up. Just like universal credit. With the important distinction that they are still ON benefits. Should the job end, their benefits would continue.
For me this would continue for 12 months. If the job were to continue after 12 months, they would leave benefits and keep any credits which were applied during the first 12 moths, in a case where the wage did not cover all benefits like rent etc.
Of course very few people would want to do this if the wage was less than benefits. However if we did this, it would open the gates to reassess people who were not working. Granted there would have to be strong protections for those who genuinely cannot work. But this should not be an issue when benefits are assured for the first 12 months of any new job.
That would cover the seasonal working perfectly. The benefit to the government would be the payment of benefit claims by the companies they are working for whilst the people worked on seasonal work. For some it could work perfectly where they could pick up 6-9 months of work each year but never lose their benefits.
We cannot continue to expect that we can rack up more and more millions of people not working and simply suck in more and more cheap labourers. Some of whom stay and add to the Not Working figure at some time in the future.
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.