Just wondering. Recently we have had the first anniversary of the Grenfell fire, very heavily covered on the TV. The other day locally we had the second anniversary of Jo Cox's murder. Then the first anniversary of the Finsbury Park mosque attack and also recently the anniversary of the Manchester Arena bombing, with people crying on each others shoulders.
Is it getting a bit much? What use is poking at raw memories doing? Are we always going to be having a diet of politicians addressing mournful crowds (and trying hard to look noble as they do so) endlessly recycling clinches about how we are not going to let men of violence divide us, that we have more in common than that which separates us, that love beats hate, light beats darkness? Are we in for a future of hash tags and national monuments lit up with the flag of the latest nation to be attacked?
In the matter of illegal immigration the media always concentrate on the women and children even though pictures of the migrants always show a majority are young men.
We seem to be being directed down a road that shows us that the only socially acceptable response to all this is empathy. Cry all you want at the awfulness of it all but that's as far as it goes. Don't use logic to try and think about the causes of all this bad stuff, the only thing required from us is tears and sad songs.
I don't like it much. I distrust the motives of the people who are pushing this.