by Suff » 08 Aug 2018, 22:58
I worked with a German manager when we were moving a biological test lab from Hamburg to Paris. We were out having a meal and a few beers and I was asking where he would go on holiday.
He said to me "Asia". I said, "I've never been, do you like it there and do you find it easy to be there on holiday".
He said to me "I love it and the great thing is I never have to worry because we never 'did' anything to anyone in Asia".
Germany has a policy of not allowing any child to exit school without having learned about the Holocaust, what happened and who did it. Whilst I laud their conscience, I do wonder if there will ever come a time when the breach is healed and that the memories should be buried in the history books, the sites bulldozed over and turned into recreation parks and we just get on with it.
Britain (and England), has committed some pretty nasty atrocities over the centuries. England has, for nearly a thousand years, been an uninterrupted power in the world and that kind of power leads to excesses. However, being British, we have made a fresh start and moved on.
I do know what you are saying about types and attitudes. I have only recently escaped a pretty nasty situation at work. My immediate manager was failing badly and I was the closest and easiest person to blame. She was trying very hard to blame me for everything, ignoring the fact that everything she was blaming me for, she had previously told everyone was "her" work and I was just "supporting".
My program manager, who is originally from the same place, but extremely British and with an American wife, told me he could not, initially, work it out. Then, he told me, he had a revelation. He put the behaviour in the context of where they both came from. He then said it all made perfect sense and he knew what to do. One week ago her contract ended and the new contract she was trying to get at this place never materialised.
I am very thankful that my program manager has this background. Also I'm very thankful that he trusted me and lifted me right out of the situation.
We are all different. I understand that. However we don't have to tolerate differences when they are destructive. We should be highlighting that they are destructive and calling them out.
Unfortunately we have the issues like Ruth Davidson, today, going on about the Burka and Boris' words. Well Boris was not very wise to say what he did. But she was a complete idiot to say that Burka's are like wearing a crucifix. They are not. They are a total negation of everything this country stands for. They are against everything we believe in, in the way that they segregate and cut off people in a deliberate way and it needs to be dealt with.
Love they neighbour?
Only if they want to be loveable!
There are 10 types of people in the world:
Those who understand Binary and those who do not.