Charlie's skin

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Charlie's skin

Postby Gal » 09 Aug 2018, 12:15

A week ago, last Tuesday I spotted clumps of black fur all over the place - not spotted anything untoward when I left for work but walked in to this, and a large oval egg sized bald patch on his back. Took him to the vet, who suspected he may have been bitten but not punctured the skin and this had induced an allergic reaction, presenting as eczema, so two injections and a hard collar to stop him licking it, to be worn for two weeks although improvement may be seen after a week.

The area scabbed over and then the scab came off on Monday, and now he is able to scratch the spot with his back foot :roll: So it's getting a bit bigger, not better. More bits of black fur but not as much as at first, and another fresh scab. His behaviour Tuesday night was plain weird! I think it must have been incredibly itchy, sore or both, and he was leaping about on tables and beds, licking as best as he could, scratching and shaking himself, sitting on my lap which he very rarely does normally, and just wanting to be close to me, all night and all evening.

Debating what to do now - vet again? I've posted a pic of his back today on FB for anyone who'd like a look :(

Re: Charlie's skin

Postby meriad » 09 Aug 2018, 16:07

Gal, I'd call the vet and ask for advise but chances are they'll ask that you do take him in. Personally though if it's that itchy then I'd ask whether a steroid injection will help? Or a form of antihistamine?
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Re: Charlie's skin

Postby Kaz » 09 Aug 2018, 20:45

Poor Charlie! Itching is awful. Hope he's better soon Gal xxxxx
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Re: Charlie's skin

Postby Gal » 12 Aug 2018, 17:10

Ria your advice on FB re camomile tea seems to have done the trick! The scab has now dropped off altogether and where last Monday the skin beneath looked sore still, now it doesn't - so a massive thankyou for that!!! 8-) :D :D

He's still sporting his collar - swapped the hard plastic one back over for the soft one this morning but I'll keep this one on till Tuesday at least, as advised by the vet originally. May need to take him in - I emailed them but not had a response yet, the site said it wasn't immediate so fair dos.

Re: Charlie's skin

Postby Kaz » 12 Aug 2018, 20:18

Oh, that's great! :D
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Re: Charlie's skin

Postby meriad » 13 Aug 2018, 14:36

Oh excellent news Gal, fingers crossed it's all onwards and upwards for him now and all is OK

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Re: Charlie's skin

Postby Gal » 28 Aug 2018, 19:13

Just an update - the vets' reponse to my email suggested I put a Tshirt on him so he couldn't scratch (!!) but I managed to get a baby vest at a charity shop for 25p and bless him he let me put it on him! The vets' email said the steroid injections continue to work for up to four weeks and it may help prevent him getting to it.

Of course, Charlie wasn't happy to wear the vest ALL the time, so I also got him a proper walking harness with a filled in back - this keeps the vest on plus it's added protection against him getting to the spot!

So tomorrow will be 4 weeks since he had the injections, I thought I'd undress him and see how things are going (I've continued with the chamomile tea bathing also) I've put the Tshirt and harness back on again as although his fur is growing back in, I can see several small raised lumps within the fur. Worried now that he'll try and bite them off, so back on with the clothes! I'll post a pic on FB again. I've emailed the vet again with the pics but I bet he'll have to go back :roll: :( He's such an gorgeous little man, he's really been very good about being 'dressed', he just lets me poke his front feet through the sleeves of the vest, no fighting or biting 8-)

Re: Charlie's skin

Postby meriad » 29 Aug 2018, 13:51

Fingers crossed the vet will take one look at the pictures and give you something without Charlie having to go back x
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Re: Charlie's skin

Postby Gal » 29 Aug 2018, 19:03

Sadly not - they've asked me to take him in :( I'll sort an appointment out tomorrow when I'm off :roll:

Re: Charlie's skin

Postby miasmum » 29 Aug 2018, 23:21

Bless him, I saw the photos on Facebook, he did look very fetching, but slightly hacked off with his outfit.

Those lumps look really strange Gal, hope the vet can get to the bottom of it for poor Charlie
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