Poor little mite xx
Late Aquafit from now on, starting at 10.30. It's our regular instructor, who does a fab class, but we all much prefer the earlier time. Roll on half term!!
Popped into Spenny(moor) again to look in the charity shops, I want another baby vest for Charlie (don't ask!!) and I also bought two nice pictures, one for the caravan and one for home. Altogether it came to £2.25!!
Got home, unpacked the grocery shopping (done after town) and now having a mug of soup - yes it really is that time of year again! Started off sunny, now it's grey and I suspect we're in for some rain later. Grrrrrr.
Tom will be in late tonight (like, 9ish) so I'll be making something that will keep for an hour or two, I'm not waiting that long!
Hospital tomorrow to discuss my heart stuff and no doubt the result of the echo thing I had the other week.
Also I am a little bit cross with Donna this week. She messaged me on Tuesday night to ask if possible, could I please pick Lily up from school 'the odd Thursday, if I am free'. Of course I said yes, just drop me a text when you need me, then she came back with I need Thursdays next few weeks if poss', again I was "Sure that's fine," then she came back with "can you take her AND LEWIS to yours and john will pick up about 5? You have to get Lily at 3.15, then wait in the hall for Lewis coming out at 3.40" SO....what started out as a request to get Lily now and again has in a couple of texts become both of them, with a half hour wait between, for the foreseeable. Why couldn't she have been upfront from the off?
Tom's said don't feel pushed into it, tell her no if I can't get them. But of course I will.
Have a good Thursday!! xxx