Women have challenged the government's increase in the pensions age as unfair and discriminatory. The court argued that it removed the discrimination from men and brought both sexes in line - age wise.
Well, OK, that's an argument, but how it was done was not in the least bit fair.
My sister and all my female cousins are caught up in this. So is my ex wife, all her sisters and all their cousins. Apply the 'six degrees of separation rule' and that's a lot of women up and down the country who are impacted.
It is not intrinsically wrong for men and women to retire at the same age so long as the rules, regs (and benefits) they have operated under have been the same for the whole of their working lives. This is patently not the case for the generation of women involved so I expect this to rumble on.
However, I do think that the sexist / discrimination tactic is the wrong one to be using.