Jen, he got the doctor out to his house (via the carer) to look at his piles
so we were phoned about that. After that he was wittering at MrsC to get this latest prescription. He then wanted her to inspect his piles (the offer was declined). MrsC told him to sit on the bed to take his socks off; he didn't and promply fell over.
Then last night he phoned us and sister in law three times. "I'm confused, I'm going funny, I don't know what I'm doing etc etc. He was hoo hooing and weeping and wailing. He wanted someone to go over and turn the tv on for him.
I may come across as being harsh and uncaring, but it's just been a load on us. It's like you can't have your own life.
It's especially a load on MrsC. She doesn't deserve it.
Both girls were always close to their mother. When Ruth was dying in the hospital they spent two days with her, so she wouldn't die alone with no one she loved near her.
Their dad, not so much. He's always been a very selfish man, never going out of his way for anyone. But now he is expecting them to go out of their way for him and it is an aggravating factor, there's no denying it.