On yer bike ....

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On yer bike ....

Postby TheOstrich » 08 Jan 2020, 19:03

Breaking news is that Megan and Harry are stepping down as "senior royals" to pursue a more independent lifestyle.


On the one hand, I don't blame them in the slightest and wish them all good luck for their future.
On the other hand, I'm happy to see them go and hope never to hear about these two A-List celebrities again …..
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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby cromwell » 08 Jan 2020, 19:52

You'll hear about them when the divorce comes through!
Only joking. I have no idea. They might be married for the next 60 years for all I know.
It's going to be a very different life outside the Royal Family for Harry. You do wonder if he realises quite how much.
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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby victor » 08 Jan 2020, 23:11

still be holding his hand out and taking the money, If they go why should taxpayers have to stump up to pay for their security
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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby Workingman » 09 Jan 2020, 09:44

'Bye Harry, 'bye Meg, a taxpayer's minion is holding the door so that it does not hit you on the way out. Canada has apparently got lots of wide open spaces into which you can disappear; you'll not be missed.
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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby miasmum » 09 Jan 2020, 18:31

I completely agree, except we still have to cover the cost of them. I think they should give Frogmore cottage back, to be used as an upmarket holiday let/B&B with the money made being paid back to us tax payers that had no choice but to pay for its renovations because they couldn't manage to live in Kensington Palace
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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby medsec222 » 09 Jan 2020, 19:10

Frogmore cottage still belongs to the Queen apparently. If they decide to go their own way they should be asked to pay rent when using Frogmore Cottage.
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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby TheOstrich » 09 Jan 2020, 19:31

Indeed. :|

I think it's important in reaching this "workable solution" (which the Palace has decreed be thrashed out) that it can be palpably demonstrated that the Sussexes are definitely NOT receiving any public money in future - and that goes for their security provision as well. They must make their own arrangements with the RCMP or whoever; it must not be down to the Met as happened on their trip to SA.

And I am not averse to stripping them of their HRH titles either; there has been a recent precedent in Fergie, if I remember correctly?
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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby Workingman » 09 Jan 2020, 19:39

Frogmore is part of the Crown Estate... it is 'owned' by us and used by the Monarch whilst they reign. It is not theirs to sell or 'pass on' to others.

Buckingham Palace, Windsor, Hollyrood House (S) and Hillsborough Castle (NI) are also Crown properties mistakenly thought to be personally owned by the Queen / King.

'We' allow the Monarch to use them to perform 'official' duties, but with or without a Monarch they are still 'ours'.

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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby miasmum » 09 Jan 2020, 19:48

but didn't we have to foot the build for the renovations, or have I got that wrong? If so then it should be used to create an income to pay us back
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Re: On yer bike ....

Postby Workingman » 09 Jan 2020, 20:08

Of course we footed the bill... they are our properties after all. Income / revenue, according to Royalists, comes from tourists coming to see the Queen.

The fact that she is hardly ever there to be 'seen', and the only things they do see are the buildings, is lost on them. The tourists would still visit, Queen or not. Adoration of the Monarchy is an almost religious belief and those of us who do not follow it are condemned to Hell.
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