SNP male politicians

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SNP male politicians

Postby cromwell » 07 Feb 2020, 20:34

The SNP is having a few problems with it's male politicians.
This week Derek MacKay, the SNP's finance minister in the Scottish parliament had to resign because of inappropriate texts he had been sending to a sixteen year old boy. Mr Mackay is 42 and had been tipped as the SNP's next leader.
But he's not alone.
In 2016 SNP MP Angus MacNeil caused a scandal when it emerged that in 2014-15 he had been sleeping with his lover Serena Cowdy at the£150 a night Park Plaza hotel in London - and paying for his stays there on expenses! (I don't remember much about this on the BBC news, and it's a real story). Plus, he owned a flat in London at the time.
Unbelievably it then turned out that another SNP MP, Stewart Hosie, had had an affair with the same woman! (Busy lass) in 2016. Both of the MP's marriages broke down, unsurprisingly.
It was the second time Angus MacNeil had been in the headlines for all the wrong reasons. In 2007 he had been caught in a hotel room with two girls aged 17 and 18 whilst his pregnant wife was in hospital.
In 2018 member of the Scottish Parliament Mark McDonaldhad to resign from the SNP after a sexting scandal.
And next month (?) Alex Salmond is up in front of the beak for very serious sexual misconduct charges, though I'm not going to judge his guilt or innocence before his trial.
Point is, some of this behaviour is sleazy in the extreme. What's the matter with some of these blokes?
And will it affect the SNP in the next Scottish elections?
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Re: SNP male politicians

Postby Workingman » 07 Feb 2020, 21:20

Be careful, Cromwell, you could be collared for 'hate speech" an' all.

"They" are watching, and you are on their radar. :roll:
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Re: SNP male politicians

Postby TheOstrich » 07 Feb 2020, 22:30

What's the matter with some of these blokes?

I can only think it's the power-complex that comes with the job. As for whether or not it will affect the SNP in future elections, well no, it won't. People have a short memory for things like that; it will be the SNP's continuing performance on education, transport and the health service vs the independence issue which will be the over-riding factors.

I wonder if Ruth Davidson's tempted to return …..
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Re: SNP male politicians

Postby cromwell » 08 Feb 2020, 08:56

It could be the power thing. It may have an effect on the election though Os. eventually people do get tired of sleazy behaviour, especially when it is from politicians.
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Re: SNP male politicians

Postby Suff » 08 Feb 2020, 12:59

Clearly Scottish politics is not closely followed south of the border :lol: :lol: :lol:

A lot of SNP politicians came from Labour but Scottish Labour, at the council level, is deeply corrupt. Well let's ignore Labour and just say Scottish Council level politics is deeply corrupt. This then bleeds into government level politics as you don't generally get nominated for a seat until you have done due diligence somewhere in local government for the party.

Remember Henry McLeish who had to stand down as First Minister due to Westminster financial "irregularities"? I remember well as he was, at one time, Mrs S' neighbour before I met her.

American spies found that Russians they had turned often went rogue with sexual liaisons. Apparently once they had successfully broken one rule, they then saw all rules as fair game.

In Scotland it tends to start with graft and escalate from there. Never mind the fact that every toilet surface in Hollyrood (spell checker is a pain) shows signs of Cocaine....

Nice to know our political class is so honourable.
Last edited by Suff on 10 Feb 2020, 10:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: SNP male politicians

Postby Kaz » 10 Feb 2020, 09:10

I think this goes on in all walks of life, and is a power thing :? I think almost every woman can tell you tales of being harassed by bosses or other authority figures (even a vicar, in my case), and many young men are now speaking out too! An unpleasant side of human nature, as old as time itself :?
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Re: SNP male politicians

Postby Suff » 10 Feb 2020, 10:45

Sadly Kaz.
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