In the last couple of months crime in our village has become a real problem. Every village will have its problems with anti-social youths, but we're experiencing a more serious crime wave. We have had tools stolen from vans, property stolen from cars, shed burglaries and proper burglaries. Most of these have happened during the night, and it's been happening every other night. In the last few days though an elderly women has been robbed and beaten in her own home by two youths who forced entry into the house and today a man tried to get into a single woman's flat during daylight hours.
And people are getting really angry about it. There is some talk (and talk is all will ever be imo) about forming a vigilante group.
It's a problem, a real problem. As the village has got bigger, police numbers have got smaller! Also ours is a very spread out village. Long roads with new estates built off them. To police it effectively at night you would need about forty coppers.
I just hope it doesn't end really badly. No joke, people are getting mad about this. In this country you are not allowed to arm yourself to defend your property and loved ones. The only real option is a big, very territorial dog.
Apparently one reason for the rise in crime is the new estates being built. Four and five bedroom properties mean money, which means more likelyhood of having things to steal.