Having spectacularly failed to get a bridge with a handful of plants and shrubs on it across a few hundred metres of London water at a cost of £53m he is tuning his sights on bigger things.
Much bigger things, a bridge across the Irish sea connecting Scotland and Northern Ireland. He apparently has two choices: a 12 mile one from nowhere to nowhere; or a 24 mile one from, err, nowhere to Larne. He is putting his considerable (body) weight behind one or the other, but he's not sure which just yet only that it's a spiffing good idea.
Of course the BBC and Sky have wheeled out their favourite experts and architects to enlighten us that it is technically and feasibly possible, but there was little on the commercial aspects only that it could cost up to £35bn.
And on that note Bojo has set up a team of government wonks with their PPEs and History of Art degrees to look into it. We will not know his decision until possibly the Autumn when Dominic has spent time with the report while dunking his chocolate digestives into his lukewarm milky coffee and tells him what it is.
Meanwhile, back in reality world, there's a country to run.