Could you live on home grown food?

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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby Gal2 » 04 Feb 2020, 10:12

Kaz wrote:Oh, you can't best home-grown veg, freshly picked! My dad grew a few bits in our back garden - we had a tiny council house with a massive garden :) No way could we have lived on it though - as you've all pointed out they were supplemental to other shop-bought foods!

My dad also Kaz! My memories are of going down the garden and picking broad beans to eat raw, out of their pods, the lovely furry insides :D Or pea pods....a rhubarb stick was cut and cleaned, then dipped into an eggcup full of sugar and eaten raw. Everything tasted fab :)
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby Kaz » 04 Feb 2020, 10:18

We did all those too! :) I can still remember sitting on the back doorstep, shelling peas but eating most of them :lol:
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby Gal2 » 04 Feb 2020, 12:39

:lol: :lol: :lol: We must have been so healthy back then!! 8-) :lol:
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby Kaz » 04 Feb 2020, 12:43

And skinny! :D :lol:
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby Gal2 » 04 Feb 2020, 13:55

:D :lol: :lol:
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby Suff » 10 Feb 2020, 21:51

I posted some images on the photo board of the size of garden you can't live off..

That is the bottom 1/3 of the garden.
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby Workingman » 10 Feb 2020, 22:56

That's excellent, Suff, and obviously very productive, but as you said it could only feed you for about two months. Imagine the size for a whole year's food and then how much land the 65 million or so of us in the UK would need, or indeed the whole planet.

The tree huggers are living in la-la land when it comes to self-sufficiency for all. Two billion might just cope, but not the 7.6 billion and rising.
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby cromwell » 11 Feb 2020, 09:50

The last time we were anywhere near self sufficient was under rationing, end that ended in the 1950's. There were a lot fewer people in the country then as well.
Kaz and Gal, rhubarb was and is a big favourite around here. Nearly every back garden used to have some.
In fact one of the great philosophical points of the age is - where has all the Yeo Valley Organic yoghurt gone from Sainsbury's? The last three times I've been they've had none. Very poor indeed! :twisted:
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby TheOstrich » 11 Feb 2020, 19:02

cromwell wrote:In fact one of the great philosophical points of the age is - where has all the Yeo Valley Organic yoghurt gone from Sainsbury's? The last three times I've been they've had none. Very poor indeed! :twisted:

… and Waitrose Essentials Strawberry Jam at 74p a pot has disappeared as well! :shock: I've now't to put on me toast …
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Re: Could you live on home grown food?

Postby Kaz » 11 Feb 2020, 21:34

Crommers, Yorkshire is well-known for rhubarb I believe :idea: ;) :lol:

Oh, Ossie.....the humanity :cry: :mrgreen: ;)
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