Workingman wrote:But if the shoe was on a different foot.........
Then we'd have a government led by an anti semitic trotskyite who would be building half a dozen printing firms to print money to give to companies so that he could say our infrastructure was "under new management".
Or, on the other hand, we could have a really nasty piece of work who lied to everyone, including himself, about, well, everything and eventually left us with a complete disaster when the party ended.
Or we could have the other lot, the "well meaning socialists" who drove the country to 26% inflation and mass strikes. They even negotiated to have parts for our NATO tanks made in the USSR.
Right, so the press led caricature is running the show now. The voters put him there. Against the wishes of the press.
Even then, what he intends to spend, against the Alice in wonderland story of the other shower, is hardly world shaking.
As ever, it is a wait and see.
Although I do wonder if those who want PR would have been happy with Farage with 80 seats in Parliament??
It goes both ways, just ask the Swede's. The SD has been gaining ground decade on decade. PR gave them a platform and it was impossible to shut them out because PR ensured they got a platform. Far from being shut down by the press, PR gave SD the exposure to show the people who they really are.
If we had PR when the BNP were a possibility, we would have seen at least one BNP MP. So how does that exclude extremism?
The more coalitions there are and the more parties in the coalition, the more power you give to radical minorities. Witness Golden Dawn holding the Greek government to ransom and the total chaos in the Israeli Knesset which has a 2.5% threshold on party seats and creates a very democratic parliament and a country which is, at times, almost impossible to govern. Esecially with 25% of the voting population being of Palestinian descent.
It is all very well "saying" this or that, but the PR and other voting systems have not kept the impact of extremism out of the it government's. Golden Dawn, SD, AFD, FN and that is just what comes to mind. Then the far right in power, FPP, the Polish equivalent, ditto Hungary.
The reality is that our milk sop Socialist steamroller where everyone should be ashamed that they are not paying someone else enough, whilst receiving less of the services, is slowly grinding to a halt.
Then we talk about our NHS as if it is some shining example of Nationalised brilliance. It is, in fact, a black hole down which we pour more and more money yet the services get worse and worse overall.
This is consistent with other nationalised businesses (yes, health ser ices are really is a business). Like the joke that was National Rail.
This maniacle insistence that nothing can be paid for at the point of use is killing the NHS. In France, A&E is not free to walk in. You have to pay a small sum (around €30), and you claim it back from your insurance. They don't demand it at the point of service, you are sent a bill.
The result? A&E is empty unless someone actually has an emergency. If you really need to be seen, you are seen in minutes.
There are so many fallacies in the UK but they are held up as the most wonderful successes. 12 hours in A&E is not a success.