Good afternoon, all. Sunny intervals and a bit breezy here; I don't think we got any of the light rain which was forecast for around dawn, which is a bit of a blow.
Adverntures in Shopping Part 87 - emboldened by her first trip out for a long time yesterday afternoon, Mrs O insisted in making a second visit to Waitrose yesterday evening! Again it was very quiet, I just sat in the car and left her to it, and she eventually emerged with a pair of red geraniums for our garden pots! She was able to use contactless, which is no bad thing, I guess, because if you don't use your cards all that often, the banks have a propensity to make you revert to using your pin.
This afternoon, I decided to walk into town and visit the independent butchers. Most of the High Street is closed for business, only the banks, the GPO, the local café and interestingly the dry cleaners were open on the main drag,. Still quite a few folks around though. I managed to source 6 pork chops and 6 chicken breasts which we use for our Sunday lunch (£23), and they did accept contactless - I've only paid in cash there before. The butcher said that business was currently pretty good, which is nice - they're always popular for barbecues.
I then braved the Polish Delicatessen next door, not a place I normally frequent! They have been advertising on the town's FB page that they have a wide variety of fresh fruit and veg, and I was after eating apples. I managed to get 4 red ones of an indeterminate variety, and then marveled at all the other strange stuff on sale, like tins of "Turikrapiczykiwicz" or similar
, which could have been Duck in Orange for all I knew, but applying lateral thinking based on the tin size, was probably canned tuna. Anyway, all very pleasant and efficient and they were happy to accept cash.
Anyway, I cannot linger. Somewhere in the house, if I can discover where Mrs O has hidden it, there is a large Polish sausage of indefinable fieryness with my name on it .....
Have a good day, all!