As rioters and looters (sorry, peaceful protesters) torch New York City and various other US cities (it's all Donald Trump's fault obviously), other news goes unreported.
George Floyd will always be waved around by the liberal media as a martyr, as an innocent victim. OK.
But there are other outrages taking place which never get reported. Take the case of the elderly Paul and Lidia Marino of Delaware. They were visiting their son's grave when they were murdered by Sheldon Francis, who happens to be black.
That's pretty outrageous yes? Murdered whilst visiting your beloved son's grave? Apparently not. Not rioting, no looting, no protest marches.
No outrage in the Guardian, no outrage on the BBC, no outrage in the Daily Mirror or Sky news.
I know this is a sensitive subject so I won't labour the point. But the outrage of our media seems to depend on who the victim is and who the perpetrator is. If it is an "appropriate" crime, let the tears flow and the hair shirts be worn. If not, keep it quiet.
I won't be joining any marches or re-tweeting any virtue signalling celeb or applauding any knee-taking sportsmen. I don't think brainwashing is anything to celebrate.