Good Morning Saturday

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Good Morning Saturday

Postby JanB » 20 Jun 2020, 05:56

Morning everyone

Lovely, sunny morning, but feeling rather fresh ;) Will warm up later, just don't want that wind back, makes it really quite cool.

Eggs delivered rather early this morning :shock: Jose Felipe is part of the florestel bods and he will, no doubt, be on duty all summer, checking for fires, making sure the clearing of land had been complied with. He does ours, so we know we're okay 8-)

As I did absolutely nothing yesterday, apart from putting some washing out and reading, I really must pull my finger out today and do the cleaning :lol: Would like to do come dead heading and cutting back, but it depends on the wind.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
Last edited by JanB on 20 Jun 2020, 07:45, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Good Morning Saturday

Postby saundra » 20 Jun 2020, 07:07

Morning Jan it's blue sky here with gales
Had loads of rain yesterday afternoon so no need,to,full birdbath and tubs
Waiting for a parcel
Then Iceland delivery this afternoon
Have a good day all Jan have a rest
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Re: Good Morning Saturday

Postby Kaz » 20 Jun 2020, 09:13

Morning both, morning all :)

Jan, I hope the fires will be fewer this year, must be a constant concern xxx

Glad you have some sun, Saundra, it's windy here today too! Xxx

Just had our SW meeting, B still doing really well, I'm struggling a bit :oops: :lol: We're off to see D in a bit, taking the dogs as they love a gallop round her garden. Helping B make some cupcakes later, as it's her turn tomorrow to take treats into work.

Have a good day everyone :) xxx
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Re: Good Morning Saturday

Postby cromwell » 20 Jun 2020, 09:24

Morning all. Is it the longest day today?
Nothing wrong with a lazy day Jan. Enjoy the visit to d, Kaz. Saundra we have a bit of sun nut not much wind, thankfully.
Or son-in-laws sister had a baby boy yesterday. 8lbs and they have named him Finn. So daughter and son in law are off to see the new arrival today. :)
I'm taking MrsC and her sis to their father's soon. He really needs to be in a home now. There is a good one near but they aren't taking anyone. We ring up every week but there is no change. Some others are taking new cients but they were taking them at the height of the epidemic, which they shouldn't really have been doing, so that gives you pause for though about what kind of places they are. It will have to get sorted sooner rather than later though.
Then it's a paper and the crosswords.
Sergio has done us a vegetable lasagne for tonight. Bless him! We also have a bottle of Sardinian red wine so we'll see what that is like.
Have a good day all.
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Re: Good Morning Saturday

Postby jenniren » 20 Jun 2020, 11:46

Morning all :D

It's a lot nicer than yesterday, but there's still a bit of a breeze.

Snap Jan, yesterday my day consisted of washing and reading and very nice it was too :lol:

Worth hanging on for the home you want Crommers. We waited 3 months for my mothers placement, does seem forever at the time, but it was so much nicer than the alternatives. Wish we had a Sergio living next door to us.

A parcel has arrived for E so I've put it away for him to open tomorrow morning. No excitement here, I was up around 9ish but E was out cold so I left him until almost 11. As usual breakfast and lunch are merging :lol: Don't think it's warm enough to sit out, but I will potter and do some deadheading later.

Hope you all have a good day, stay safe xx
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Re: Good Morning Saturday

Postby Osc » 20 Jun 2020, 12:58

Afternoon all, a beautiful day here, although windy. I thought I might have an M&S parcel delivered today (didn’t arrive, so presumably Monday), Edward went across the road to chip golf balls around and when he got back, I went for a walk. Howth is very busy, lots of people on one of the beaches and swimming too. Further along, there is quite a dangerous bathing place, with a tall rock off which young people were jumping :shock: I now have one of those walking apps on my phone so it was interesting to see I walked 3.45km and 5,400 steps.

In addition to getting a hairdresser appointment, I now also have an appointment for a pedicure and eyebrow tint on 3rd July. On a personal basis, going back to beauty treatments makes me feel as if I am moving on from all that has happened me since early March and getting back to being me again.
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Re: Good Morning Saturday

Postby Gal2 » 20 Jun 2020, 17:21

Yes Crommers it is the longest day today, all downhill from here LOL!! I always thought it was the 21st every year but apparently not.

We've had a largely sunny day!!! :D :D I feel we are owed one as we've had constant grey for about 3 weeks now, since June started - we went out for a walk this morning, just round the edge of the village and up to the next one and back, I was wearing my cheapie fitbit watch and it said I've walked 16K steps! So I'm chuffed, especially as it seems my dodgy ankle is good enough to walk a distance now. 8-)

We got back and I've sat in the garden with Charlie most of the afternoon. I only let him out when I'm out to supervise...just as well, D called In with a Fathers Day gift for Tom and in the short time we were out the front, Charlie had jumped the fence! Monkey! :roll: :lol:

Kaz I daren't get on the scales just now, I know I have put some weight on but I'd rather not know exactly how much!! :roll: :lol: Another well done to B!! :D :D

Chinese later I think!! I wouldn't mind some of Sergio's lasagne though :D
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Re: Good Morning Saturday

Postby Kaz » 20 Jun 2020, 17:30

Sometimes ignorance is bliss Gal :oops: :lol: Well done on all those steps :D

Another one here who fancies Sergio's veggie lasagne 8-)
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Re: Good Morning Saturday

Postby JanB » 20 Jun 2020, 18:36

We had Chinese, which I did myself 8-)

Been a lovely day, the wind is still here, but at least it's a warm wind for a change :lol: I even got on my lounger in the pool :Hi:

Two and a half blisters stopped my gardening earlier :roll: I was cutting back some spikey leaves - only got spiked twice, most unusual :oops: - but had to give up, as the blisters burst :(

Grumpy has been trying for the last couple of days to sort out the picture on the television. He will press buttons without looking properly and we now have a small picture for the English programmes. All okay for the others :roll: So will be watching footie on a smaller screen :roll:
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