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Re: Hairdressers

Postby Kaz » 23 Jun 2020, 12:45

Yayyyy you got an appointment! :Hi:
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby JoM » 23 Jun 2020, 12:55

Kaz wrote:Yayyyy you got an appointment! :Hi:

Yeahhhh....1pm on the 10th. Could’ve got one for earlier in the week but it’s an hour’s walk each way which I wouldn’t fancy if it’s hot or two bus rides each way and I’d rather avoid public transport. John’s around on Fridays so I can cadge a lift :P
Begone split ends! :lol:
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby Osc » 23 Jun 2020, 13:42

I asked our hairdresser about masks when he rang with the appointment. He says they will be wearing them and said it is up to us if we wish to wear one. He did say it could be difficult to colour my hair if I was masked. I know that they will be meticulous about cleanliness and precautions, they always are anyway.

The nail bar says we must wear masks, which is fine, they already wore them pre-virus.
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby JoM » 23 Jun 2020, 15:46

Joe’s booked his hair cut too, a friend of his and Amanda’s opened a barbers so he goes to him now.
He asked if I minded before he first started going there as I’ve always cut his hair, but I think it’s great that he wants to support his friend. It’s a big step to take at a young age, starting your own business.
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby miasmum » 23 Jun 2020, 17:22

I had a hair appointment for a cut and colour booked for 8th July, but I also had an appointment to have my legs waxed and a pedicure on 9th but they are not allowed to open. Seems a bit mad someone can spend a couple of hours near your head but someone else cant spend half an hour around your feet and lower legs?

I have to wear a mask for my hair as does she, that is fine with me
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby TheOstrich » 28 Jun 2020, 12:48

Apologies for resurrecting this old thread, but there is an interesting update. :D

Following yet another U-Turn by either the Government or the NHBF in their interpretation of the Government's rules, my barber has posted on FB:

.... it seems that face masks for clients will not be needed as long as the Barber is wearing a face shield !! Unless the client feels the need for additional protection then it is then a personal choice . We shall be wearing said face shields and it seems that masks are optional for us too !!

One day, we may have a set of regulations that are not written on custard. :roll:

Another thing that has emerged is that the Government are also requiring hairdressers to record and keep your name and telephone number for Track and Trace purposes. It is said that such details should be destroyed after 21 days. Assuming your hairdresser writes it down in their diary when you book, I am somewhat sceptical that the so-called "Data Protection measures" will be rigorously applied, somehow.

Some of you will welcome this as a sensible precautionary measure; others (of a more paranoid nature) may see being spied on by your hairdresser as positively Orwellian ..... I will leave you to your own thoughts on that.
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby Workingman » 28 Jun 2020, 13:28

My ex SIL is a mobile hairdresser and she has appointment books going back years.

Name, address, phone number, styling to be done - cut, dye, trim.... she would be a hive of information. :o :shock: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I think that they also act as some kind of proof of earnings for tax purposes, so it is not all Orwellian.
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby Kaz » 28 Jun 2020, 15:10

Ossie, my name, address, and phone number are all "on the system" at the hairdressers anyway. It's quite usual these days.
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby TheOstrich » 28 Jun 2020, 17:51

Mine aren't, Kaz !! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Yes, well, you can't really compare salons and £8 a chop turn-up-and-go barbers, can you .... ;)
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Re: Hairdressers

Postby Kaz » 28 Jun 2020, 19:27

Not really ;) :lol:
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