Good Morning Friday

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Good Morning Friday

Postby JanB » 26 Jun 2020, 06:54

Morning everyone

A lot of cloud around this morning :shock: which are slowly going and it will be another warm ish day. Cooler than of late :Hi:

Day two of the wedding anniversary 8-) Not doing a lot again, a swim later and we're heading down to the bar too. I'm cooking bife a casa tonight.

A worry in that there are now three cases of the virus in Ourique, staff members of the local hotel :cry:

We were chatting to Alberto last night at the bar after our meal about Dimas and how badly he is still missed, as its nearly a year since he died.

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby Kaz » 26 Jun 2020, 07:32

Morning Jan, and everyone :)

Enjoy day two of your anniversary, Jan :) I'm sure Dimas is very sadly missed, you often mentioned him :( Take care now the virus is around - you'll be fine as long as you're careful (((x)))

It's working up to a storm here, I reckon. It's a housework day, so that doesn't really matter. Looking forward to tomorrow, as Chris is coming to see us :Hi: He lives alone, so it's now ok for him to visit us :D Not seen him properly since Christmas! :( I did see him very briefly in February when we went down for Katie's wedding, but only to deliver him some meds as he was really ill with a stomach bug :? It will be SO good to see him :)

Take care everyone :) xx
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby JanB » 26 Jun 2020, 07:56

Oh, great news Kaz, enjoy your cuddle xx
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby saundra » 26 Jun 2020, 09:52

Morning all lovely here very high cloud those jets are flying over my house this .morning very loud
Jan a fella is on tv right now saying how safe Portugal is they test and test have the navy patrol the beaches so no crowds in the Algarve area
Glad you,are seeing Chris tomorrow kaz
I haven't see darren since xmas
Have a good day all
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby JanB » 26 Jun 2020, 10:15

Change of plan.

I'm going to make a curry for later and we're not now going to Jan's tomorrow. She's quite rightly cancelled our dinner. Not only does Grumpy had copd, Nicola has ms, amongst other things and none of us would be happy going.

So bife a casa tomorrow night instead :D

Still cloudy, and I've put my work jeans back on and will be heading back outside in the garden.

Saundra, yes, we are being quite good, but most parts of Lisbon aren't, so they will be staying in a state of calamity, whilst the rest of Portugal eases into a lesser state.
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby saundra » 26 Jun 2020, 10:41

saundra wrote:Morning all lovely here very high cloud those jets are flying over my house this .morning very loud
Jan a fella is on tv right now saying how safe Portugal is they test and test have the navy patrol the beaches so no crowds in the Algarve area
Glad you,are seeing Chris tomorrow kaz
I haven't see darren since xmas
Have a good day all

The jets, this this morning where doing a fly past for the jet that crashed last week RIP
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby jenniren » 26 Jun 2020, 10:49

Morning all :D

Bright and sunny now, but we had heavy rain and a thunder storm earlier.

Thought it would feel a bit fresher after all the rain, but it's still really muggy. We'll probably sit out in the garden for most of the day. Means I'll be running in and out as it's washing day. Also got the excitement of our Sainsbury order this afternoon.

Hope you all have a good day, stay safe xx
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Re: Good Morning Friday

Postby Osc » 26 Jun 2020, 11:02

Morning all (just). It started out lovely and sunny, but then the fog swept in. It is still quite sunny here, but it was very foggy over at the golf club when I drove Edward over. Since I came back, I’ve tidied around and then had the absolute pleasure of booking a holiday for next year, plus a two night break for this September. I’ll go for a walk shortly, I have something to drop up to Miss Osc’s house on my way. Last Friday of having our dinner delivered as the restaurant is reopening next week.
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