Yellow warnings again about severe heat but it's the same every June. And July. And August.

Yesterday morning was mental!!

My phone rang at the same time I was getting whatsapps. My whatsapps were from my lady wot does to say she was outside as she'd forgotten her key.

Answered my phone to hear a very distraught David

All thoughts of running went out the window as I quickly drove over to see him. Poor love. He is animal crackers and adores his cats. Stayed with him for a couple of hours and then went home feeling totally drained.
I'd arranged to go shopping with Don so I did late some cracking bargains.

Stayed in last night very happily watching TV.
Now to for a walk and back for a swim.
Conor's coming over to stay the weekend with us.

Jacob's coming over tomorrow for the day so a weekend with my men will be lovely.
Have a good day everyone.