Good morning Saturday

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Good morning Saturday

Postby Ally » 27 Jun 2020, 04:26

Good morning.

Yellow warnings again about severe heat but it's the same every June. And July. And August. :lol:

Yesterday morning was mental!! :shock:

My phone rang at the same time I was getting whatsapps. My whatsapps were from my lady wot does to say she was outside as she'd forgotten her key. :lol:

Answered my phone to hear a very distraught David :cry: telling me his beloved cat of 18 years had passed away.

All thoughts of running went out the window as I quickly drove over to see him. Poor love. He is animal crackers and adores his cats. Stayed with him for a couple of hours and then went home feeling totally drained.

I'd arranged to go shopping with Don so I did late some cracking bargains. :D

Stayed in last night very happily watching TV.

Now to for a walk and back for a swim.

Conor's coming over to stay the weekend with us. :D :D Lucia and her family are off to Nerja till Friday so he said to me he's coming over for some of his mama's cooking. I said it's too hot to cook we're going out for dinner. :lol:

Jacob's coming over tomorrow for the day so a weekend with my men will be lovely.

Have a good day everyone.
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Kaz » 27 Jun 2020, 07:24

Morning Ally, and everyone :)

That's sad about David's cat, you're a good friend :( Enjoy the weekend with your boys :D My Chris is coming today, and I'm so looking forward to it :D

Chris is due late morning, but I have a few bits and bobs to do so have made my excuses to our SW group leader. Becky is working, which is a shame, but didn't get enough notice to change shifts. It's raining here, much needed but it would have been nice to get the barbecue out :cute: :lol:

Have a good day everyone :) xxx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby JanB » 27 Jun 2020, 07:51

Morning Ally, Kaz and everyone

Dull, grey but warm :shock: :roll:

Hugs for David, I know what it0s like to lose a much beloved puss cat.

Have a great day, both of you, with the family xx

Late start, as we were woken at 4.00am by Molly wanting to go out :roll: then at 5.00am by a mozzie attacking Grumpy, so moved bedrooms, then Molly wanted to come in at 6.15 :cute: and something to eat at 6.30 :roll: :cute:

Done the watering and I'll do the cleaning after breakfast. Not sure what else we're doing, I know Grumpy will carry on making the bench for Fatima. His knee is a little swollen, but he'll soldier on 8-) :lol:

Meeting Mitchell at the bar later, as well as some new ladies who are moving into a house just down the road.

Have a great day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby cromwell » 27 Jun 2020, 09:03

You are a good friend Ally. It is a sad thing to lose a much loved pet, especially one that he'd had for so long. Enjoy your meet up Kaz. Jan, smiling at Molly, the little tinker!
We are supposed to be having a bbq here too but it isn't looking promising. We'll give it every chance before we call it off though. The back patio needs a hose down after yesterday afternoon's deluge.
Have a good day all.
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby saundra » 27 Jun 2020, 10:14

Morning all its raining had big storm 10is last night
Loads of lightening
It's really humid red arrows have been ,to Scarborough as it's armed forces day
Have a lovely day with Chris kaz
Jan how nice to meet new people and in a pub
Crommers hope you get a bbq
Have a good day everyone
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby jenniren » 27 Jun 2020, 11:25

Morning all.......almost :lol:

Must have had some rain overnight, it's dry but very dull and overcast now.

Kaz have a lovely time with Chris.

Well it's definitely not a garden day so I'll try and force myself to do some of the jobs that need doing around the house.

Hope you all have a good day, stay safe xx
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Osc » 27 Jun 2020, 13:41

Afternoon all, the weather is very changeable here with bits of sun between the heavy showers. We went for a nice walk on the cliffs and were lucky enough to get one lightish shower, as the heavens opened just as we got back home. Just pottering around today, might do a few bits, might just read my book....
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby victor » 27 Jun 2020, 15:09

No rain or thunder here but it's blowing a hoolie----still that will keep the morons off the beach
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby TheOstrich » 27 Jun 2020, 15:24

Good afternoon - rather pleasant, if blustery day now, after some rain overnight and an overcast morning - although as I post this, it's just started chucking it down!

To Waitrose for the weekly shop. I went early afternoon and yet again, found a queue of a good 40 people waiting outside, but as before, we were all moved through fairly quickly - no more than a 10-15 minute wait, I reckon. A lady appeared at the front of the queue, having come up "the other side", and was directed to join the back of the queue which basically runs down one side of the store under a narrow covered walkway with 2m markings on the floor. They put all the plant trollies down there which makes you a bit of a caught audience, and also narrows the walkway even further. The said lady decided the quickest way to reach the end of the queue, rather than walk through the carpark, was simply to push her way past everyone standing in the walkway :roll: :evil: . Nobody very happy about that, but this being Dorset, nobody said anything. If she'd tried that in London, she'd have probably started a fist-fight ....

Waitrose have now introduced a Fiendish Device at the entrance to the store, which it claims is a hand sanitiser. This measure, of course, comes only 3 months after lockdown started :roll: . The Device is operated by a foot pedal, and is also on a hair trigger. As a result of which, Ossie successfully de-sanitised his right shoe .... :lol:

As for wearing face coverings, of the 100 -120 people I must have seen today, the tally was just 2 .....

Back home to chill out and have a cuppa tea.
Have a good day, all.
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Re: Good morning Saturday

Postby Gal2 » 27 Jun 2020, 15:29

Enjoy having Chris with you Kaz - how fab he's coming :D

So sorry to hear about David's cat Ally, they are so hard to get over, our pets :( x

Have done zilch today. Oh, had a shower this morning and hoovered around upstairs. I slept in Jen's room last night as Lily dog keeps waking and whining at 4am lately and I'm sick of her waking me up! Tom gets up right away and takes them both for a walk but it's getting silly now....oh and Jen's old room is at the opposite side of the house to ours, our bedroom faces the kennel. It's been warm so he's been leaving the kennel door open for them to sleep in the pen. I had a great sleep!! :D

Had some thunder and spits of rain but nothing major, although T said it was torrential at 7.30am.

Oh and I'm back to work on Wednesday :( Only for the one day as I have the following two weeks as annual leave and I THINK we'll be heading to our caravan next weekend....maybe. Soooooo sorry to see the back of our lockdown/furlough though.....I think my head and body has thought I'm retired and likes it! :lol: :lol:

Have a good evening all xxx
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