It's a wild wild day here today!! We've had some showers, but STRONG winds, almost gale force! I'm crossing everything that I don't lose too many plants!!
Tom's been out for golf with John and Lewis again, they enjoyed last week so much! The wind won't have been kind, but at least they were getting exercise and SOME sunshine!! I popped out to the newly opened B&M and stood in a queue, but it was very long and quite slow moving....and when a heavy shower started I left quick smart! So a trip out for nothing but at least it was a drive out

Got to make the most of them while I can!!!
I'm doing huge chicken breasts and veg for tea, so a sort of Sunday dessert but I'm sure we'll find something, there's still some individual apple pies and custard

Kaz that's some shopping!!!

I really MUST arrange the plumber to come and quote me for a new's at least 4 or maybe 5 years since I started to think about it!! Tom's not a DIYer sadly....he's got the time atm, too!!
Enjoy what's left of Sunday xx