Good morning Monday

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Good morning Monday

Postby Ally » 29 Jun 2020, 05:03

Good morning.


Just a swim my legs a rest. :lol:

The other day we went shopping and I bought a pair of trainers. I'm so impressed with them I'm going to buy another pair for reserve. :D

I also need a new iPod. :lol:

And the kitchen needs a new bin. :lol:

Mercadona on the way home for a few bits including a chicken for dinner. :D

Have a great day.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Kaz » 29 Jun 2020, 06:57

Morning Ally, and everyone :)

Not hot here Al, it's cloudy and I think it rained in the night. No real plans, but I expect something will crop up :) I need a walk at some point, unless it tips down.

Have a good day :) xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JanB » 29 Jun 2020, 07:05

Morning Ally, Kaz and everyone

Sunny morning, but blowing a hooley, so feeling quite cool :roll: Getting hotter this week again 8-)

General pootling today. We had planned on doing a strim of the weeds - how do weeds grow so quickly? :cute: - but not in this wind. We'll find something to do. And Grumpy needs to get rid of a splinter for me. I don't know how I get so many :oops:

Have a good day everyone, whatever you're doing xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby cruiser2 » 29 Jun 2020, 07:30

Good morning everybody,

It is very windy and it has been raining most of the night. Went for the paper in the car.
Will just be pootling again today.

Have a good d ay everybody
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby cromwell » 29 Jun 2020, 10:34

Morning all. It is blinking cold out there today, grey and threatening rain.
MrsC and her sister are at their father's. We'll try again this week with the care home.
We are putting a letter together for sister in law and Sergio about the conifers opposite.
Have a good day all.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby jenniren » 29 Jun 2020, 10:49

Morning all :D

Dull, overcast and windy.

Good luck with the care home Crommers.

After trying for a few days I finally managed to get through to Boots late afternoon on Friday. They received my prescription on 17 June, I usually allow up to a week for delivery but it was well over that. The lady I spoke to said they had it and was I on the list for deliveries, I said yes I paid for a year back in March just before lockdown and so far it's worked fine. She promised to phone back in 5mins and advise when I'd get it. Well no call back and I'm still waiting and can't get through, the phone just rings. I'm really annoyed and even more important getting very low on meds. I'll try again today, but if they don't answer it means I'll have to pop into town later this afternoon. As you all know E and I haven't been out shopping since lockdown started so I really won't be happy if I'm forced to do that.

Hope you all have a good day, stay safe xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Osc » 29 Jun 2020, 13:26

Afternoon all, it was a fairly dreary morning, but is brightening up a little now although it is very windy and quite cool. Edward played golf this morning, I drove him over for the last time, as the locker rooms are open from today and he won’t need to bring his clubs backwards and forwards. He is home now and Michael will be down in a while to play table tennis. I’ve done about half of the ironing and will go out for a walk soon. The pub next door has reopened today after 3 1/2 months.
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby saundra » 29 Jun 2020, 13:35

Afternoon all its miserable here and cold but the highlights of the year has arrived a new sweeping brush it's so sleek and stylish grey with black bristle ho the joy
God I'm bored to rave over a brush
Have a good day all
Jen hope you get your prescription sorted
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby Gal2 » 29 Jun 2020, 15:50

Afternoon all, it's still blowing a gale but after early rain and low cloud the sun keeps peeping through :)

Tom's been at the farm all morning (not been at all since Feb) so that kept him out of mischief, I got the car out and drove to a nice little spot - Hurworth Burn, and walked along an old railway line which has now been tarmacked over. The intention was to go around the burn, but I saw lots of cows, and some people were ahead of me and said cows RAN towards them :shock: so I decided to keep on the main pathway, even if it meant going to the end of the line and back again - which I did! I've got the map if you would like to see my walk, it's basically along the dotted line north-east-ish to Station Town and back, only about a mile and a bit each way but it got my cobwebs all blown away! :D ... a=!3m1!1e3

I think a lot when I'm walking alone, decided to have my sewing machine fixed, so I found someone nearby and he's coming tomorrow to take a look at it. He has lots of good reviews so I'm hopeful he can sort it :)

Still waiting for my extra plants to arrive, the ones that didn't 'take', and they said they'd replace. :roll:

Jen that's not good, hope you don't have to do the journey into Boots to sort it :?

Enjoy what's left of Monday! xx
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Re: Good morning Monday

Postby JoM » 29 Jun 2020, 15:56

Good afternoon all, I’ve been meaning to check in all’s been a busy one!

It’s so dull and windy here, it was like Winter when I walked Bill first thing.

We invited Shannon and Amanda over for a barbecue on Saturday and we all sat in the blustery garden while trying to stop the gazebo from blowing away (it was tied down but still blowing around a bit :lol:). It was lovely though and felt so normal, and it was wonderful to see them both again. They’ve been much missed. We ordered pizzas in for the evening and started to hatch a plan for a holiday to Florida for the six of us when everything gets back to normal, not new normal - proper old normal. Fingers crossed that we can do that.

Bill was invited over to Shannon’s house yesterday so Tom took him :lol: They all love him and I suspect it was a devious plan between Shannon and her Mom to get her Dad to agree to them having a dog. Me, John and Joe went to Lichfield and got takeaway coffee and cake from our favourite independent coffee shop there and sat in the park with it.

The new dishwasher was delivered this morning. It was here by 9.30 so not much waiting around, John’s going to plumb it in this evening. Tom’s been for an induction session at the school he’ll be working at. He has to go again in a week or two and meet the new starters who’ll be in his tutor group in September when they go for their transition day. There’ll be three year groups from September so the school is gradually growing.

Jen, we were with Boots for prescriptions for a time, although just to collect them from the store, and gave up on them in the end. The service was terrible, they were so disorganised. Each time I went in they’d have to find the electronic prescription on the system and then make it up, it was never actually ready for collection and I wasted so much time waiting for them. The final straw was when I’d ordered Joe’s prescription before we went on holiday so that it’d be ready when we got back, made a special journey once home to pick it up and they hadn’t got it ready and couldn’t get it done because their computers were down.

Enjoy the rest of the day!
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