by Workingman » 02 Jul 2020, 15:12
"They bring back memories of what was done to us in the past."
No they do not! Nobody is alive from those times to remember them, what they can do is act to remind us that some events and some figures from the past should not be as celebrated as was once the case. Remove them and the questions do not get asked and so the past is sanitised, made clean.
If these things are not visible nobody can ask: "Mum, who was Edward Colston?" or "Dad, who was Cecil Rhodes?" and so nobody can learn.
By all means get rid of the laudations from the plinths and just have the name and year of birth to year of death so that people can ask, but to pull them down or hide them is to whitewash the past, and that is the opposite of what the protesters want yet they are too blinded in their new religion to see it.