Our TV in the downstairs living room was starting to play up so we decided to move the TV from the upstairs living room to there and buy a new one for upstairs, which is what we did last night.
We had to sign back in on the streaming services and of course neither of us could remember the passwords so I reset the ones for Netflix and Now TV.
There I was this evening, cooking dinner, when my phone beeped and it was a message from Shannon...”Have you changed the Netflix password?” and it was quickly followed by “I’m trying to watch something but the password I have isn’t working”.
If I was mooching off someone’s Netflix and then suddenly couldn’t access it I’d shrug and get my own account, I wouldn’t have the nerve to ask for the new password. I wanted to reply with “Yes, we have”
but the message had been sent to John too and he sent her the password, if he hadn’t though I suppose Tom would’ve done.
The plan we have is for watching on two devices which should be enough for our household but quite often we can’t get to use it because Joe will be watching something in his room and when I look at the account, the other device using it is in Derbyshire