South Korea and a World problem?

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South Korea and a World problem?

Postby Workingman » 04 Jan 2021, 10:08

For the first time in its history SK has recorded more deaths than births. This, it is said, is a disaster.
A declining population puts immense strain on a country.

Apart from increased pressure on public spending as demand for healthcare systems and pensions rise, a declining youth population also leads to labour shortages that have a direct impact on the economy.

So the answer to the problem is to keep the Ponzi scheme going by bribing couples to have more babies - a lump sum at birth and then monthly payments up to 1st birthday - on top of the existing child benefits. In other words, keep the population growing. And don't forget importing labour - immigration.

Apply this thinking to all other countries and you can see why the planet has a problem. One day, maybe not too far in the future, the bubble will burst unless new thinking is applied to the whole issue.

Like it or not but new ways are going to have to be found and implemented to stop the incessant rise in populations.
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Re: South Korea and a World problem?

Postby cromwell » 04 Jan 2021, 10:13

At the moment the entire capitalist system sems to depend on constant economic growth. In this country we achieve this partly by mass immigration.
More people equals more consumption. Of food, white goods, electricity, clothes, etc. More houses need to be built for all the new consumers.

How you get around this I'm not quite sure. They say you need all these new people to support an ageing population but never mention that the incomers will be old too. Apart from building underground cities I can't see how the entire country is going to avoid being concreted over, which is not a pretty thought.
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