Following on from returning clothing thread

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Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby miasmum » 04 Dec 2012, 14:52

that Kathy (I think) posted, tell me what you think of this. Personally I think I did nothing wrong, but it has gone down in family folk lore as the day I shop lifted from BHS

I bought a skirt from BHS, when I got home it was too big. I took it back, with my receipt, and wanted a straight swap. No you have to go to customer services. I am not joking there was one girl on customer services and the queue was almost out the door. So I had a brain wave. I went back downstairs and said to the assistant, before I queue up there, I think I might try on the smaller size and just be sure. So in the changing room I went, took the size 12 out of the bag, the size 10 off the hanger, put the 10 in the bag and the 12 on the hanger and came out and said "actually I think I will stick with the bigger one". Then put size 10 hanger now with size 12 skirt on it, back on the rack and left with my size 10 in my bag.

I did nothing wrong, I had a receipt I stole nothing, but my stepmum still insists I could have been accused of shoplifting

Personally I thought it was a wonderful little ruse, but what do you think?
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Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby saundra » 04 Dec 2012, 15:20

:lol: :lol: :lol:
shell thats far to complicated for a shop retailer to understand
you need to queue queue queue
:lol: :lol:
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Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby Workingman » 04 Dec 2012, 15:27

I would put it down as a "creative" exchange of goods that kept a loyal customer happy. ;)

If BHS hadn't had "Jobsworths" rules you would have been able to do a straight swap at the till. :evil:
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Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby Kaz » 04 Dec 2012, 16:37

No not dishonest at all - like for like, fair enough 8-) You might have been on a sticky wicket if they'd pulled you over though ;)
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Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby JoM » 04 Dec 2012, 16:51

I like how your mind works Shell ;)
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Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby Lozzles » 04 Dec 2012, 18:16

Nothing wrong, but I know I would not have the nerve to do it :lol:
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Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby Fugitive » 04 Dec 2012, 18:44

When I was a very chubby teenager I was a size 14 top half and a 16 bottom half. I was shopping with my Mum for something nice to wear to a family wedding. We were in a then fashionable fashion chain store called Neatawear. I was in tears as everything I tried on fitted up top but too tight on the bottom. We found a pretty suit I liked so Mum did a swap on the hangers and I was so worried we'd get caught out but we went to pay with the top half in 14 and the bottom half in 16 and I was happy and nobody noticed. Mix and match didn't happen in those times.
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Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby miasmum » 04 Dec 2012, 19:35

Good old mums what would we have done without them
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Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby Gal » 04 Dec 2012, 22:05

The only drawback that I can see with that, MM, is that the shop's stock would show up wrong - they'd have X number of size 10s and X of size 12, but because you didn't do it 'correctly' their stocks will show Y amount of 10s and Y of 12s.....IYSWIM.

Re: Following on from returning clothing thread

Postby saundra » 04 Dec 2012, 23:53

complicated cal :lol: :lol:
blame shell :lol: :lol:
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